missing limbs/runt of the litter!


Hi all,

ok, i say litter as if there are many, but i am only growing 2 plants at a time..

but anyway, one of them is smaller than the other and im wondering if it has anything to do with the fact (i have only just noticed!!) that the runt has not developed a parallel fan leaf. i.e. the opposite of the pair (see pic)

has anyone come across this before?

is it a problem?

what can i do to help him catch up, or is it something that i shouldnt be concerned about? i was worried in regards to them getting equal light. i am using envirolites and they need to be close to the plants, which obviously means the runt isnt getting as much as her sister!



pics below (4 weeks -1 day)


Medi 1

Well-Known Member
thier fine. dont worry about them not being exact to the inch. id still call those an evcen canopy. dont wporry about the 1 missing fan leaf. theres so many weird mutations or deformaties these days from people over breeding