Miricale Grow


As i know i bet i spelt miricle grow wrong or what ever idk how to do spell it pretty pathetic ey? but to the point.

My dad has some miracle grow outside and its like small little bead looking things that u mix in water. would you guys recomened it for me ( im growing in my closet.)

STAY BLOWED bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
If it has little yellow balls in it then take them out. Add some perlite and you should be good to go. I run the soil in the pot under boiling water for 10 minutes to get all the nutrients out and to get any sort of bug eggs out. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
If you use it add some sand , h2o Cyt and perlite to it .no fret tell you hit 30 day of watering


Well-Known Member
Just to be clear! Are you asking about MiracleGro plant food, or MiracleGro Soil? It sounds like you're asking about plant food, but they're answering about soil!