Miracle Gro Moisture Control Potting Mix


I am growing a few seedlings outdoors and they are actually doing good. I came across some miracle gro moisture control potting mix and I was thinking of transferring the plants to the mix because they are only about three weeks old. Does anyone know about this particular product? If so, please give me some advice on what I should do with it.

Thank you in advance.


Well-Known Member
miricle grow isnt the best product if ya ask ime...after awile they tend to get acidic....go for foxfarms at ure local hydroponic store and ull have great results


Well-Known Member
I've used MG moisture control for all my grows and I have not had a problem with it at all. If you have it already dont worry about it but yea I hear say fox farm is the way to go, the reason I dont use fox farm though is because it's a much farther drive to get it for me. lol Check my avatar that bud was grown with MG soil...so yea it works.


Well-Known Member
im using it now outside and its working fine i just added some perlite and a little of the original soil to it