Minor caught with marijuana in School need info!!!


Well-Known Member
Eh, being a month dry I can't claim that I'm not irritable as hell. Tell you what, before I reply again I'll wait till after tomorrow morning, finally picking some up, then I can look at all this with a nice, laid back, high mind.


Active Member
not gonna read the whole thread. I was busted for smoking on campus and possession back in 96. I live in ca as well. I was given suspension, probation, and drug classes. I think i did some community service time as well. As long as he isnt busted for intent to sell, he should be fine. I was dropped from my probation after the classes were done, like 4-5 months after getting busted. Then, 2 years later, after a football game, I got caught smoking behind the stadium. I had exactly the same process of probation and classes


Well-Known Member
I love how so many people are pretending they didn't bring weed to school.
Having the scale is bad, but he can say he was buying and though the guy was ripping him off.
I don't know CA law but I'm sure it's stricter here and it's not a big deal. Kids looking at probation, some community service and a drug evaluation/counseling. And a fine. It's probably even unsupervised probation where you go once and make a file and you never see em again if you don't get busted again in the time period.

I sniffed some lines before one of my HS football games and knocked this guys helmet off.. ambulance took him away


lol he's only 17 and his first offence... He will get a slap on the wrist as long as he keeps up good behavior from now until judge says his verdict... hehe tell 1 story and stick to it with no changes what so ever... and ofcourse when rite before judge gives his verdict your friend will have chance to speak and his story should be "I'm very sorry your honor I realize my actions were very dumb an childish of me and I promise it will never happen again your honor..." an your friends story to school and legal aid should be "i only had scales to know I get what I pay for as I don't sell drugs I only smoke it as Im always anxious an a lil edgy like nervous and the weed really relaxs me alot so I can function in school and I'm very sorry for my actions as it will not happen again..." cheers kid keep toking just leave your stuff in better place like maybe stick it all in a fanny bag an find hiding spot outside off school property as that's what I use to do lol BUT OFCOURSE MYSELF TOO ONLY HAD IT FOR PERSONAL USE AND FOR BASIC SELF MEDICATING REASONS LOL PEACE OUT KID!!


Well-Known Member
relax there raven. you seem like you have some pent up aggression that needs to be released elsewhere. don't know why i deserve the title "asshole" or why your feelings get hurt so easily. either way. my opinion is just as valid as yours, and appreciation there-of would be rad. Anyway, i don't think i'll be having to worry about getting caught with weed in school anymore... ill keep it in mi casa, thanks...


Well-Known Member
damn, a full month? that sucks alot. especially if its not because you dont have any money to spend on bud its just you cant find any. its been a good year or 2 now since i last ran out.


Active Member
Hes a minor as mentioned before they will try to scare him into talking where he got it from. He might just get sent to do some rehab thing but the scales is the thing thats gonna fuck him up. They're going to say he had intent to distibute in which case he could be looking at maybe a month to 3 months in juvenile detention.


Well-Known Member
relax there raven. you seem like you have some pent up aggression that needs to be released elsewhere. don't know why i deserve the title "asshole" or why your feelings get hurt so easily. either way. my opinion is just as valid as yours, and appreciation there-of would be rad. Anyway, i don't think i'll be having to worry about getting caught with weed in school anymore... ill keep it in mi casa, thanks...
Never used the word asshole, but if you want to, then by all means. My feelings weren't hurt, I made my views on it quite clear, don't make me repeat myself. Your opinion is valid, I'll grant you that, but I'm not so quick as to dismiss a kid as you are, and sober or not, I'll never think much of you for that.
As for the last bit, that makes both of us, it stops becoming a personal issue for us after age 18, (longer I suppose if you flunked a grade or two)
now, I'll be back and in a better mood, though while my words may be much more tactful afterwards, doesn't mean my views behind them have changed at all.


Well-Known Member
hi I'm 18 iv had weed on me at school before if I wanted to sell a $10 sack or something the reason that nigga got busted is cus he brought half an oz man weed stinks!!! even in small amounts
whatever dude, I had weed on me more then a few times during high school. I love how people on here act like their the shit and did nothing but wise decisions throughout their life. Bullshit, you just didn't get caught.

Whatever, public school was a joke, Last two years of high school I went to public school, it wasn't even worth taking seriously. Not like he won't be able to move past this.
The self righteousness of some of you is fucking sickening. Even the ones of you with a med card, guess what, Still against Federal law and their actually starting to play that card. Your in a glass house. Remember that.


whatever dude, I had weed on me more then a few times during high school. I love how people on here act like their the shit and did nothing but wise decisions throughout their life. Bullshit, you just didn't get caught.

Whatever, public school was a joke, Last two years of high school I went to public school, it wasn't even worth taking seriously. Not like he won't be able to move past this.
The self righteousness of some of you is fucking sickening. Even the ones of you with a med card, guess what, Still against Federal law and their actually starting to play that card. Your in a glass house. Remember that.

I never brought shit to school. I certainly wasn't selling at school. I was simply putting out info. 80% of people inducted into "The Judicial System" are affected for life, with many becoming a part of that system. Going to any institution, even for a very short period of time is detrimental on some individuals. Especially in the juvenile system.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
yeah thats just dumb to bring that much and a scale its asking to get a selling charge. and on federal property another felony. a little ticket for the pipe
so possible two felonys and a pipe charge. possible one felony for sure is there nice


Well-Known Member
Wow , still in High School . So how old are you then >

My friend just got caught with about 1/2 and ounce of bud while at skool, he's 17 and I believe this is his first offense. He lives in California and he also had his pipe and a scale. What are some charges he may be expecting???


Well-Known Member
lol, gotta agree with him making a dumbass move tho he´s not the bad guy here.

but when you live with evil people, you have to make certain precautions.


Well-Known Member
Never used the word asshole, but if you want to, then by all means. My feelings weren't hurt, I made my views on it quite clear, don't make me repeat myself. Your opinion is valid, I'll grant you that, but I'm not so quick as to dismiss a kid as you are, and sober or not, I'll never think much of you for that.
As for the last bit, that makes both of us, it stops becoming a personal issue for us after age 18, (longer I suppose if you flunked a grade or two)
now, I'll be back and in a better mood, though while my words may be much more tactful afterwards, doesn't mean my views behind them have changed at all.
the fact that you are relying on some weed to not be a jerk off is pretty pathetic... thats some adolescent behavior if i've ever heard of it...

Really? Used to bring bud to school, even skipped class to smoke with some friends on more then a few occasions. Huh, not one drug related charge on my record. Do you really think you could have never got busted retrieving you stash in the alley way?! You got lucky like most of us, nothing more. Had you gotten busted doing that, some asshole just like you would have tried to come off holier then thou, just like you did. Just the facts.
you should think before you write guy. you did a pretty good job at discrediting yourself, there... it seems as though you are the one that is holier than thou...

besides which the guy who started the thread was asking what the potential charges would be and all I was doing was answering his question to the best of my knowledge. His buddy IS a dumb ass for taking all that work into school. period.


Well-Known Member
and he wont be able to get financial aid to go to college for having a drug conviction...so he better get a good lawyer...


Well-Known Member
mjeh, i need at least 5 tokes in the morning, just to stop fuming at the world. :)


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA after reading the posts that RavenMochi has made, all over this site, I can't take him seriously at all. All this nigga has been doing is writing poetry and talking shit to people. LMFAO... wow


Well-Known Member
the fact that you are relying on some weed to not be a jerk off is pretty pathetic... thats some adolescent behavior if i've ever heard of it...
If thats your standards for being an adult, I think you completely missed the point of what being an adult is. its looking after those younger then us, not selling them down the river.

you should think before you write guy. you did a pretty good job at discrediting yourself, there... it seems as though you are the one that is holier than thou...

besides which the guy who started the thread was asking what the potential charges would be and all I was doing was answering his question to the best of my knowledge. His buddy IS a dumb ass for taking all that work into school. period.[/QUOTE]
So I missed that I called you an asshole, and that discredits me?: Couldn't find any real reasons, so you had to depend on a technicality, and you want to talk to me about being pathetic? You didn't post to answer his question, shit I'd be surprised if you so much as googled it before you responded. The fact is you were being a prick about it, and I called you out for it. End of story.
And of course the kids dumb, he's a 17 year old boy.


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA after reading the posts that RavenMochi has made, all over this site, I can't take him seriously at all. All this nigga has been doing is writing poetry and talking shit to people. LMFAO... wow
with 189 post and a dot of rep, I'm supposed to take you seriously? I think you got this back asswards.