Minor caught with marijuana in School need info!!!


My friend just got caught with about 1/2 and ounce of bud while at skool, he's 17 and I believe this is his first offense. He lives in California and he also had his pipe and a scale. What are some charges he may be expecting???


Well-Known Member
being in possession of drugs even driving through a school zone will FUCK you! Not to mention your buddy was in school, with a scale. Potential intent to distribute, obvious possession charges, paraphernalia, and having in the school will most likely double the penalties... sucks for your buddy, maybe next time he won't be a dipshit...


Maybe he should have saved those activities for recreational time. An education is important. He can probably expect intent to distribute/sales and a paraphernalia charge as well as simple possession by a minor. They will more than likely drop at least the para and the possession charges with admission to the latter and offer probation w/ drug counseling unless his parents have his back. Times have changed since I was in school though. He may be expelled. These are all worst case scenarios though. They may just tell him tisk tisk, write him a ticket, confiscate it all, and suspend him for a few days. Depends on the district and city/township he is in as well as the leniency of the deciding administration.


Oh 17... I read 15 by accident. He is probably gonna get into quite a bit of trouble. He can definitely kiss ever getting a med card goodbye...


Well-Known Member
HE IS A MINOR. The state will try to scare him and possibily get him to talk. They will say all these things to him since he is a first timer to SCARE him shitless. They will probabily prolong his court case for as long as they can just to fuck with him and teach him a lesson. Community service is what I see in his future.


Well-Known Member
half zip and a scale implies he was selling weed at school. He is FUCKED. What douche bag adult sold him the herb so he could get busted and fuck his life up? Its one thing to smoke a kid out or kick him a bowl pack but giving them weight is just plain wrong.


HE IS A MINOR. The state will try to scare him and possibily get him to talk. They will say all these things to him since he is a first timer to SCARE him shitless. They will probabily prolong his court case for as long as they can just to fuck with him and teach him a lesson. Community service is what I see in his future.
He is a 17yr old minor which means he can be placed on adult probation. This means if he screws up they will put him in adult jail and charge him just the same. Luckily he is in the great state of Cali where it isn't AS big a deal as a lot of other places. All depends on what the prosecutor wants...


My friend just got caught with about 1/2 and ounce of bud while at skool, he's 17 and I believe this is his first offense. He lives in California and he also had his pipe and a scale. What are some charges he may be expecting???
I forgot to ask if he already has a juvy record... This will make a HUGE impact on his case...


Well-Known Member
Cali schools are a "drug free zone", your buddy better get a magnum attorney, this could be a life changing event.


Well-Known Member
He is a 17yr old minor which means he can be placed on adult probation. This means if he screws up they will put him in adult jail and charge him just the same. Luckily he is in the great state of Cali where it isn't AS big a deal as a lot of other places. All depends on what the prosecutor wants...
Hopefully he dont fuck up then lol. No seriousily he is lucky to be in the state of Cali. I once herd a story from a guy not knowing if its true at all but he said he knew a guy that got busted in the 70's with a roach in new orleans and served 7 months in jail. dont know if thats true but if so damn those are some harsh ass laws. As for them sentencing him to adult probation, im not sure if they would do that but hey like you said, it all depends on what the prosecuter wants.....meaning if he got some Tail the night before the kid is in the clear.


Well-Known Member
28.5 g or less on school grounds by a minor while school is in session misdemeanor 10 days(jail) $250(fine)

He will probably get all 10 days suspended. would be put on good behavior which means another offence will give him the 10day+whatever new offence was committed (Juvenal hall)


Active Member
Ounce and a half in school? With a scale and paraphernalia? Yea that's the dumbest shit ive ever heard. He's beyond fucked.. legal wise and his head. Fuckin retarded


Well-Known Member
He'll be expelled but honestly he's lucky hes only 17. He may face some misdemeanor charges and/or fines. He'll probably also lose his drivers license if he has one. Shouldn't have brought the scale....... bad move there.


Active Member
Call Norml and ask them for the name of a lawyer. A good lawyer will make a huge difference. If its a nonviolent first offence and a minor, there is a good chance the judge will agree to dismiss the charges or have them sealed conditional on a year's good behavior. A good lawyer will know how to get this deal.

Yeah it's fucking stupid to deal in a schoolzone. But I'm not his parents and I don't think telling him that is going to make a difference. I did much stupider things at that age.


Well-Known Member
being in possession of drugs even driving through a school zone will FUCK you! Not to mention your buddy was in school, with a scale. Potential intent to distribute, obvious possession charges, paraphernalia, and having in the school will most likely double the penalties... sucks for your buddy, maybe next time he won't be a dipshit...
whatever dude, I had weed on me more then a few times during high school. I love how people on here act like their the shit and did nothing but wise decisions throughout their life. Bullshit, you just didn't get caught.

Maybe he should have saved those activities for recreational time. An education is important. He can probably expect intent to distribute/sales and a paraphernalia charge as well as simple possession by a minor. They will more than likely drop at least the para and the possession charges with admission to the latter and offer probation w/ drug counseling unless his parents have his back. Times have changed since I was in school though. He may be expelled. These are all worst case scenarios though. They may just tell him tisk tisk, write him a ticket, confiscate it all, and suspend him for a few days. Depends on the district and city/township he is in as well as the leniency of the deciding administration.
Whatever, public school was a joke, Last two years of high school I went to public school, it wasn't even worth taking seriously. Not like he won't be able to move past this.
The self righteousness of some of you is fucking sickening. Even the ones of you with a med card, guess what, Still against Federal law and their actually starting to play that card. Your in a glass house. Remember that.


New Member
few tips, first don't bring a scale with you. Keep your pot ON you at all times, like in your backpack. If you're selling, break your stuff up into dime bags before going out. Learn the local law, keep it under the amount that they can screw you for. Here street dealers only keep a half ounce on them, cops can't do anything about it except confiscate it. Buy a mason jar and keep your stuff in there, it will prevent smell and keep your stuff moist for a month+. Not just for school, but in general these are the rules you should follow.


Well-Known Member
probation. anything more means the lawyer really, really dropped the ball. Tell him to take the case to jury trial if need be but do not settle for more than probation and be careful what you sign. Stand up for your rights.
Claim he used it medically and the scale was to measure medicinal doses. Unless theres a rat involved (prob is) then that will help alot in a medical state.
idk. fuck I feel bad for him


Well-Known Member
personally i think it would be quite the improvement on school to have everyone stoned there.

specially the teachers :)

guy should get a medal :)

this society (seems to be society in general around the globe)

needs a big kick in the balls to wake up to their own monstrosity and evil. (they are gonna try to fuck up a young boy´s life, because he had weed and a scale ;))