Mindfulness Meditation For Medical Users

Would you like to see a mindfulness meditation course offered for pot users?

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On my path ya can walk among the angels and rest among the clouds if ya wish.. Or even fly among them. Most of my stuff is not here...
Vibration issues were with a long range rig swinging big long props, issue resolved. Practice what ya preach and I'm doing it here in my retirement hobby and with a real accurate racing drone simulator. That's why I practice my moves on it before fucking up a racing quad in free style. 20 minutes in the morning and evening, gradually increasing over time. Just like meditation, see the other videos if ya don't mind watching bad quality and testing. This drone is a fucking pig to fly too! My home town. BTW
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Well-Known Member
What the Hell, this is what a racing quad is like and the simulator I practice on, with my regular transmitter like I use in the field. I could use FPV googles too, but that's not really required to build these skills. This one is like learning to ride a bike, it too is mostly a subconscious process. These kinds of doing learning & memories stick real good. Bet ya remember how to swim or ride a bike? In a practice ya don't furget yer an asshole!;)


Well-Known Member
The only place I teach is here, other than informal help and teaching where I live. No web sites, or YouTube videos about practice, the field is well covered by the academically qualified these days. I don't direct people to Buddhism, unless I first want to torture them;) Though there might be a book coming out of all this strife and bullshit, based on Shit from silver and written for the common man or woman, who wants to do the right thing, to feel better...

I'm developing a strong interest in social media however and if ya like anything here copy and paste to other places to help in the fight against bullshit
One of the ideas I'm evolving here is a simple method that others can use with family and friends in their life, that you know have a heart and are not too stupid to know how to use it. I want to spread this shit around (free) to other platforms and want people to take it home like a goddamn disease!

Hopefully we can get to a compact easily translated form(s) and if ya agree and figure it'll do good, spread it like a virus.

Help me do it with ideas suggestions or telling me I'm full of shit or even to fuck off, I learn in all circumstances.

I would like attribution, so others might find me and for your honor as well, take the time and think about others.

Tell them to come to RIU to get more from the resident sky pilot fur druggies (pot). Maybe we can drive up membership fur this Hell hole too.
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Well-Known Member
This is a good place to post drone videos too...
Here is a guy who was an inspiration to me and a lot of what I do and wanna. I said to myself, "If he can learn this shit and fly like that why can't I?" In just 10 months too! Wonder if he used a simulator like I'm planing on.... more on me.... ya gotta build trust and it starts here, by telling about yerself and yer life.


Well-Known Member
If ya wanna know why I don't post to my account, read up on the drone laws in Canada, That's why this guy in Norway isn't posting any more either, under his own name... This is what I really like to do, push the envelope, like this guy, another inspiration and tonight I'm watching drone videos and watching the boys go at it.

Though if yer flying this kinda stuff the "walk of shame" will be the least of yer worries! Everything but the G forces, the pucker factor remains and I like it that way.
That's why I don't like computer games, nothing to lose, but at least with this it's just cash and not yer ass! I'm not fucking stupid!;) This is a WISDOM practice
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Well-Known Member
Every time we remember something we have an opportunity to change the memory, It's why fish get bigger with every telling! When yer practicing thoughts come into your mind until you catch them and go back to your anchor. Because you are in a state of deep relaxation painful past experiences aren't so bad cause yer emotions are settled down and your view is temporarily clearer. We don't have a DVR in our brain, things work a lot different than that! Your brain is made up of different neural net systems, each specializing in it's own job and if ya get an injury other parts of the brain can remap to compensate, to say recover from a stroke. We have two different memory systems for the purposes of this discussions and I'll keep it simple.

We have semantic memory called an episodic memory system for events etc ( I don't quite agree with google here, but will bone up) and a separate somatic memory system or emotional memory and the two can be tightly bound in extremely stressful conditions that result in PTSD, and the very bravest of men with a heart are torn to pieces by it and many kill themselves, and these two memory systems linking because of stress are much of the cause. If a vet (like my nephew, who I helped, back from special forces in Afghanistan) hear a car back fire sometimes they will drop to the ground and shake in fear and sweat, they are back in Hell in there minds and anything can trigger it. Don't know much about PTSD and would like to talk to those who suffer and do a little home work and see if I can help some.

Mounds of disturbed dirt are a danger sign too, like the patch in my back yard, while Mike was staying here with me, PTSD is a bitch.

Some goggle fur ya, this shit is from memory, so I gotta go over things, this is mostly writing notes and this is where I keep them, if ya wanna see behind the curtain. Anybody needing help can come here too, though the thread might be replaced with a manual perhaps... I hate working on a word processor, so most things are written here where I can feel the wind at my back. Later I'll scarf the text and work in a word processor, cause ya can't edit worth shit here.

What is an example of a semantic memory?
Episodic memory consists of personal facts and experience, while semantic memory consists of general facts and knowledge. For example, knowing that football is a sport is an example of semantic memory. Recalling what happened during the last football game that you attended is an episodic memory.

ABSTRACT. Background: Flashbacks are a form of multisensory memory that are experienced with a “happening in the present” quality. Pain flashbacks are a re-experiencing of pain felt at the time of a traumatic event. It is unclear how common pain flashbacks are

What does somatic mean in psychology?
Somatic psychology is a form of Psychotherapy that focuses on somatic experience, and the embodied self, including therapeutic and holistic approaches to body. ... Somatic psychology is a framework that seeks to bridge the mind-body dichotomy.

Fuck I never knew I was a fucking Somatic psychologist! That last item was a surprise for me, I just call it somatic memory, guess I need more book learn'n

Don't study it much any more, drone pilot now. I got all I wanted and figured it out enough for my purposes, but I'm still learning, but through experience more now, this shit. I'm doing it for others, you gentle reader. Forgot most Buddhism too and only remember the serious stuff, do you remember much of what Donald said? End of note, felt like writing fur a spell

Will Bone up on Buddhism if required for those on a romantic spiritual quest (Like I was) down the rat hole of Buddhism!;)
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Well-Known Member
Used to go here for a spell in the peg too, don't wanna go down the rat hole of Buddhism though I honor the Buddha.

Think I'm gonna mail him these notes, from a Pot forum! This thread right from the top and hope he responds, I could use some Buddhism instruction, besides he might learn something! Maybe I could get him to join! I could use someone to whittle me down a bit DYI and might make a great debate on the morals and ethics page, if I can get ya heathen to read the fuck'n thing:eek:o_O:p:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Go to the site or give Gerry a buzz if ya want, he's a professional photographer and travels the world, so it might take some time for him to get back to you, he'a good as any.

Titles would cramp my style and I work among the poor for the most part, Buddy works for me and I don't like Bodhidharma any more. Like DYI here though.
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Well-Known Member
I got these too, but I gotta walk more I figure and haven't really taken on the challenge by installing flight controllers GPS and other gear yet, not too much flying yet. Still gotta learn how to fly the damn things or give'm away. This is a surprisingly cheap hobby these days, very affordable for most and something great for the young and adventurous to take up. I promote this too as a wholesome safe and challenging activity, many areas of knowledge are required, just go to YouTube fur more, better than watching the news most of the time.

Have a peek at this fun, there's more to life than sitting on yer arse feeling yer body and breath, I figure ya should do it for this life, ya can enjoy it more and colors and other sensory phenomena become more intense as a perspective is temporarily cleared, you'll be over powered by the beauty of simple things. Most mediators do not crave excitement! This shit is too intense, if you practice a lot, not scary, but an overwhelming experience. We become very sensitive to our senses and our body, because we are living there in the present moment. Our senses work in real time and when we connect to our bodies we do too, the mind lives in the past and future much of the time and misses a lot, if we are not mindful
Pushing The Limits - Best FPV Flights 2016 4K


Well-Known Member
No more mindfulness on the ethics thread, I'm putting all new writing on the subject here until I can make a proper thread for it


Well-Known Member
Here is a fellow manic and one of the best pilots out there Steele Davids, Mr. Steel, a 26 year old guy who I also like and support.
An American lad who is pretty sharp and one of the best pilots out there. I watch these things all the time, it's my hobby and his profession, he is my master here.
This shows some of what it's like, I ain't anywhere near this boy in skill and never will be either, don't give a shit, thrills, not fame! He takes me along as copilot and trains hobbyists, sells shit too, as most do to make ends meet, he is doing quit well, thank you, making lot's of money.

I promoted to intelligent young people as a challenging technical hobby.
Sticks of a Mini Beast
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Well-Known Member
I didn't do him justice in that last one... 800 mw is the power of the 5.8 Ghz analog video transmitter on the drone and he uses it with FPV goggles to fly and shit his pants!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: This called Bando by the boys, Abandoned building or site.
Why Should you fly Freestyle at 800mW? | FPV