Mind-busting jungle drug hits UK ...

If I'm not mistaken there is no factual link between DMT and dreaming. It is found in trace amounts in your body but it has never gone past being just a theory Rick Strassman has about it. Sleep deprivation is more like deliriants such as Datura, Diphenyldramine, Amanita Muscaria, ect. You see small things out of the corner of your eyes like small bugs, inanimate objects appear to move ever so slightly when there just about out of your peripheral vision, and eventually silhouettes of people on the walls (If you wait long enough they'll eventually start talking to you... "telepathically" ;) ). An if you achieve it on amphetamines than you will most likely be thinking that the things you are seeing are being secretly projected into your mind by a government mind control operation to stop you from masturbating (i.e. SEVERE paranoia and possible amphetamine psychosis; paranoid psychosis + hallucinating delirium = psychotic breakdown). I'm guessing the same effects would occur with caffeine. Please no one try this, if you must experience the feeling of being completely insane use some Diphenyldramine it is probably less physically harmful on your body...
SWAG you are totally wrong. I have both of his book on DMT........ DMT is what makes you dream, every night. Its in every mammals and most plants.


Well-Known Member
Nope, i'm pretty sure Swag is right.
Like a lot of the thoeries Strassman included in his book, there is no evidence supporting it.
You should read with a more critical eye


Well-Known Member
SWAG you are totally wrong. I have both of his book on DMT........ DMT is what makes you dream, every night. Its in every mammals and most plants.
"I did my best in the DMT book to differentiate between what is known, and what I was conjecturing about (based upon what is known), regarding certain aspects of DMT dynamics. However, it's amazing how ineffective my efforts seem to have been. So many people write me, or write elsewhere, about DMT, and the pineal, assuming that the things I conjecture about are true. When I was writing the book, I thought I was clear enough, and repeating myself would have gotten tedious."


Well-Known Member
If I'm not mistaken there is no factual link between DMT and dreaming. It is found in trace amounts in your body but it has never gone past being just a theory Rick Strassman has about it. Sleep deprivation is more like deliriants such as Datura, Diphenyldramine, Amanita Muscaria, ect. You see small things out of the corner of your eyes like small bugs, inanimate objects appear to move ever so slightly when there just about out of your peripheral vision, and eventually silhouettes of people on the walls (If you wait long enough they'll eventually start talking to you... "telepathically" ;) ). An if you achieve it on amphetamines than you will most likely be thinking that the things you are seeing are being secretly projected into your mind by a government mind control operation to stop you from masturbating (i.e. SEVERE paranoia and possible amphetamine psychosis; paranoid psychosis + hallucinating delirium = psychotic breakdown). I'm guessing the same effects would occur with caffeine. Please no one try this, if you must experience the feeling of being completely insane use some Diphenyldramine it is probably less physically harmful on your body...
However, i distinctly remember reading about DMT levels of sleep deprived individuals being measured and a significant rise detected. Also the role it plays in the mind of a schitzophreniac, apparently they don`t have the anti DMT to destroy the DMT.

What else would this mean? And maybe we would know for sure if the government didnt close down all the testing..

And about the visuals one which is sleepless sees, maybe they are because DMT is released into different sections of the brain, unlike taking it artificially.

But i guess what i put will just be a theory without proof, other than the levels rising proportionally to lack of sleep.


Well-Known Member
However, i distinctly remember reading about DMT levels of sleep deprived individuals being measured and a significant rise detected. Also the role it plays in the mind of a schitzophreniac, apparently they don`t have the anti DMT to destroy the DMT.

What else would this mean? And maybe we would know for sure if the government didnt close down all the testing..

And about the visuals one which is sleepless sees, maybe they are because DMT is released into different sections of the brain, unlike taking it artificially.

But i guess what i put will just be a theory without proof, other than the levels rising proportionally to lack of sleep.
However, DMT concentrations have not been proven to differ significantly in schizophrenics and normal controls. Also, in vivo synthesis of DMT has not been convincingly demonstrated, and the psychological changes it produces do not closely mimic the symptoms of schizophrenia.
Citation: http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/dmt/dmt_journal2.shtml

I'm currently reading Rick Strassman's DMT: The Spirit Molecule. I believe he mentioned that as a theory for schizophrenia occurring but he did not attempt to administer it to psychiatric ill people instead on the contrary the majority of test subjects were well grounded people (some of them did have PTSD from serious traumatic events that occurred in their lives ex. child molestation). An had previously had psychedelic experiences before.

I can't re-call reading about sleep deprivation trials being ran in his DMT research. (I think an incident or two where people had not gotten much sleep the day before coming in and they had some increase after the injection than the previous day, though there are other variables that could have effected that) He mentioned about it in his earlier experiments with the nocturnally emitted hormone melatonin. As of right now yes it is just a theory, it would be nice to say we understand the creation of dreams and even possible "intelligence, consciousness, life, ect." but sadly not yet.. well at least not completely :(

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
lol, Bro I got a stash of datura stramonium seeds in a storage spot, they are all mature. My advice, never touch the things. I give a gram to any semi educated person, that being said most responsible ppl over do it. They start acting delirious, like they talk and interact with ppl and things that are not there, they run into walls because they see open space there. It actually puts you in a differnt world or dimension. I took a healthy big boy dose around 06 and went to jail. The story is too long for me to elaborate here. I did 2 days total on the shit, A PI charge. I forgot a large portion of the night, but I remember the cops hittin me with billy clubs and everything til some how my cuffs broke. I broke bad from what a dude I know who works at the jail said. I only tried them once, I think of myself as a responsible head, not a wook on patrol. That is one of my more wild times. If you try them use less not more. DMT is weak in comparison to my trained mind.
A gram.....


Well-Known Member
Citation: http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/dmt/dmt_journal2.shtml

I'm currently reading Rick Strassman's DMT: The Spirit Molecule. I believe he mentioned that as a theory for schizophrenia occurring but he did not attempt to administer it to psychiatric ill people instead on the contrary the majority of test subjects were well grounded people (some of them did have PTSD from serious traumatic events that occurred in their lives ex. child molestation). An had previously had psychedelic experiences before.

I can't re-call reading about sleep deprivation trials being ran in his DMT research. (I think an incident or two where people had not gotten much sleep the day before coming in and they had some increase after the injection than the previous day, though there are other variables that could have effected that) He mentioned about it in his earlier experiments with the nocturnally emitted hormone melatonin. As of right now yes it is just a theory, it would be nice to say we understand the creation of dreams and even possible "intelligence, consciousness, life, ect." but sadly not yet.. well at least not completely :(
Well it has been some time since i last read the book...Have you read about the "anti DMT" being extracted from healthy individuals and being administered to schitzophreniacs and improving their symptoms? I`m not talking about DMT itself being administered to a schitzophreniacs but rather the mechanism in our brain which breaks down the DMT in our system, hence "anti DMT"

And if anyone can tell me, why on earth would anyone even want to take datura? It sounds fucking grim both physically and mentally.

TryPs N TacKs

New Member
Personally i think theres not enough evidence to support anything in the DMT case besides it being found in your body. No one knows what is does to us. So in reality any answer could be right.


Well-Known Member
Well it has been some time since i last read the book...Have you read about the "anti DMT" being extracted from healthy individuals and being administered to schitzophreniacs and improving their symptoms? I`m not talking about DMT itself being administered to a schitzophreniacs but rather the mechanism in our brain which breaks down the DMT in our system, hence "anti DMT"

And if anyone can tell me, why on earth would anyone even want to take datura? It sounds fucking grim both physically and mentally.
I just looked it over in his book. He states that in the 70's they would give DMT to volunteers to induce a state of psychosis and than create "Anti-DMT's" from monitoring where the drugs effected the brains of the volunteers. They would than administer them to psychiatric patients with excessive amounts of DMT and a increase in stability was shown. Though the same could be said for atypical anti-psychotics. He didn't go into great detail on these "Anti-DMT's" were and their effects (possible because not enough information was published on them?). It's just a theory among others regarding schizophrenia another plausible one regarding increased hormone activity would be the Dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia


Well-Known Member
I like to believe it is a vital piece to our "life" (state of aware of existence and environment) but right now it is just currently that a belief. Beliefs being preached as facts are the reason why organized religions are still so prevalent...

TryPs N TacKs

New Member
i like to believe it is a vital piece to our "life" (state of aware of existence and environment) but right now it is just currently that a belief. Beliefs being preached as facts are the reason why organized religions are still so prevalent...
qft .............


Well-Known Member
A moron you may be, however confused you might be. :) I could do this all day. :lol:
Thanks for making me LOL

No sides taken, no offence ment.

Well, i have to agree that our evidence sucks but i know 2 things about DMT

1) If its in my blood right now its not cancerous or too bad
2)Its fucking... wonderful...

And thats just about enough lol

TryPs N TacKs

New Member
Thanks for making me LOL

No sides taken, no offence ment.

Well, i have to agree that our evidence sucks but i know 2 things about DMT

1) If its in my blood right now its not cancerous or too bad
2)Its fucking... wonderful...

And thats just about enough lol
3. Doesnt taste good