Micron size?


Well-Known Member
So I have some trim i'm collection off to the side and I was gonna use the dry ice tech. to extract the tricomes but my question is what size micron bag do I use?


Well-Known Member
Usually you have a set of 3 to 8 bags, but if you are only going to have one screen then I would say 125. The stuff won't be the purest, but it will be nice.


Well-Known Member
So I have some trim i'm collection off to the side and I was gonna use the dry ice tech. to extract the tricomes but my question is what size micron bag do I use?
I just did it last night for the first time. Love it. I got the most hash from the 45micron bag and the blondest/purest from the 25micron.
The 45micron was the money bag though.

I bought the 8 bag kit and not sure I'll use all the bags.



Well-Known Member
My bad ... I re-read and youre doing the dry-ice tech. I used regular ice so I'm unsure what bags you need.