

Well-Known Member
Well like I allways say,better to swim in the kiddie pool before doing the swan say I feel like I took half an e pill,but I just hooted a fatty of mdma..I need to finish this gram...its fun and pleasurable,but getting to be a frequent week I'm gonna want to slap think one more line tonight and that's it till next sat..if only I had some mescaline to curve the


Well-Known Member
You should use a little less citrate than you think you'll be getting of mescaline. One of the reasons I like HCl salts, you don't end up with a bunch of extra salt sitting there.


Well-Known Member
Im going to get some HCI today... they have it at Lowes. I did not weight the cactus or do the math... part of the problem.... This is interesting stuff though...... So last night I did another extraction, this time just using a pinch of Citric Acid. I check the PH and it was acidic. I evaporated the water down in a stainless steel pot this morning...... At the bottom of the pot was a resin that looks exactly like Qwiso hash. It was extremely sticky and very very hard to scrape up. There was about a gram of this sticky substance. I ate about .6 grams of this hard sticky qwiso like stuff at about 7:30...did not feel anything so I just ate a little more..... I also have about 10 grams of that Salt ...Im thinking about taking like 3 or 4 grams and drinking that down.............failure to launch......... I need to weight the cactus and then do the math 0.02%- 0.12% mescaline in San Pedro.... but I am going to just go with HCI I think... my Superconductor grade Xylenes is almost gone :( I am going to go with Acetone (which is available at the local store) ... I think I just need to keep the Sep. funnel in a ice bath to keep the emulsion down... that helped last night anyways............ Im just a guy trying to get high, man fuck.........Mr.EDuck come over to my home man! god damn .....where is a good chemist friend when you need one


Well-Known Member
yup... no effect yet on the mescaline... Im going to gulp down that 4 grams of Citric Acid Salt....maybe there are some friendly molecules attached


Well-Known Member
Inactive cactus? I dont know.... I may have created a mescaline tolerance of the last 24 hours...... too many variables...... I may have started with a dose below the threshold then tried to chase it with another too small of a dose...... then when I did take a threshold dose it was barely today I had to of eaten a good size dose, I am having very limited affects. I feel kinda groovy but that could just be a head trip from anticipation.................LIKE YOUR UNDER SEDATION!!! LETS DO THE TIME WARP.......... oh fuck sorry bout that.............. oh mescaline, where art thou? I will eat the whole god damn tray of citric salt today If I have to... I just ate another 4 grams of it and there is about 6 grams left. If I feel nothing in the next 45 minuts Im dosing the rest.


Well-Known Member
Talk about chasing a dragon. Give it up dude, try again another day. I have had the same sort of experience lately, but it is too complicated to go into. I call them "bad cigar days", it's when you light up a fine cigar and it fails, it doesn't burn right, no smoke, sour smoke, bad taste. Then you can it and try again with another one - that one is bad as well, at what point do you finally decide that the universe really doesn't want you to have a cigar today? 20 bucks each and you've gone through 80 dollars worth of frustration and nothing to show for it but a full ashtray.

Things will be more clear with some distance. Fire up a bowl instead.


Well-Known Member
Great advice! I know what I was doing wrong now. The problem was with the fundamentals of preparing the cactus. Tomorrow I will begin with the ancient technique of boiling it down for 24 hours. I will weigh the cactus before I boil it this time. I will get the boil down to 200 ml of strained cactus juice after a day and a few hours of boiling.

The irony is I have made at least 15 teas successfully and had wonderful trips. But, then I followed a mescaline extract tek that kind of rushed the tea brewing process. ........patience.................................patience.................

Mr.EDuck or Canndo concerning muriatic acid with HCL 30%, how much distilled water should be used for dilution. One site I read calls for just a few drops in about 100ml will suffice. IF xylene containing mescaline/alkaloids is roughly 50 ml how much solution of HCL should be added?


Well-Known Member
I been doing the same thing with mdma for a few days...give it a rest for a week,fast,and try on an empty stomach...for the want of a nail,the house wasn't built...


Well-Known Member
You want to dilute the HCl in dry IPA to minimize the amount of water involved. 0.25mL of con HCl diluted to 10mL with IPA dumped in should get you a nice crop of crystals.


Well-Known Member
So, dilute the .25ml of HCl in 10ml of 99% ISO, then mix that in with the 50ml of xylene containing alkaloids, then collect the ISO layer on a glass tray and let evaporate..........,,, right?

then click your heals and do the mescaline dance?


Well-Known Member
Actually try like 1mL HCl to 9mL IPA. That's like 12mmol which would be a fair amount of mesc HCL. Boil the IPA out after collecting the crystals and try again to ensure you get everything. Do a slow addition.


Well-Known Member
ok, ordering some 99% ISO(the man doesnt trust anyone in the valley with 99%iso or xylene) ....


Well-Known Member
lol, now i can that i learned the word desiccate. ...... googlin desiccate ISO with epsom...........l

ahhhh very simple.... this needs to be posted on the Qwiso hash page too, some on there are using 91% cuz they cant find it ........ so simple, heat the dry epsom salt at 100degrees for 1 to 2 hours then mix it in with he IPA and filter out the crystals and you now have pure IPA


Well-Known Member
You want to be heating it to over 100C for over an hour to dry it. I usually do 350F for an hour or two. There is a visible change in how it looks after it dries. Use it fresh or store it somewhere air tight. You need a fair amount of it to absorb all of the water in 91% IPA. Even 99% should be dried if it isn't labeled anhydrous.