mephedrone? where did u go

That is Dolophine.. Methadone, not Mephedrone.
My mistake about saying its given to junkies but damn Its said that people sniff and shoot this up so you might as well be a junkie.This world is really crazy.Im glad the furthest i went was smoking weed...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
My mistake about saying its given to junkies but damn Its said that people sniff and shoot this up so you might as well be a junkie.This world is really crazy.Im glad the furthest i went was smoking weed...:blsmoke:
I'm also glad the furthest you went is smokeing weed, with that closed mindset, psycedelics will bring you to a catastrophic self implosion.
Do you want an award? You're in the hallucinatory substances sub-forum, no need for the narrow minded opinions.
No award you are right i am in the wrong section to be speaking my mind...

I'm also glad the furthest you went is smokeing weed, with that closed mindset, psycedelics will bring you to a catastrophic self implosion.
Shit at least if you are trying to tell me something spell it right.Its just i see so many young people try shit like this and throw lives away.Getting kicked out in the streets because they are using.Who knows next might be crack or heroin.


Well-Known Member
I started on the crack end, these things trancend spelling. That being said, the more you say the more ignorance you show.


with that I'm thinking the same know maybe some strong stronug stimulant, say 40 mg of adderrall with some continuous similar benzo affect that doesnt effect the uppers strength (Or atleast doesnt feel like it), yeah im back on methadrone, and my hopes for it. Enough of this guy. The only drug that gives you that feeling is a speedball. You're retarded to do those. oh, i have the biscuits in baltimore and then phish in ac for a few night this fall......woo hoo......followed by caribean holidaze....I'm 40 my girls 19... gonna pick her up at college, her and her girlfriends, wreck a few hotel rooms, bringer back. I like all drugs. Ha. Life is one big prespective relevant only to moderation.

Atleast I'm original.


that's why i space know..b/c these days I know my drugs and feelings right? And you know how quickly tolerance kicks in...So if I say, see a show, and drop a gram of molloy, you know, on those fresh'm fucked know and have an awsome experience. That's why you're better 0ff living near a good music town, and picking your party.

You want to impress me. you know, just smokethis and that...but chill and THEN hit like your number for a lot, then add one. Take it all at once. Now that's where it's at.

These days I rreally am just like a stoner, and happy to say that, you don't want anything else tailing along....unless your young. viato......LA huh. NYC here. i spend time out there newport...