medicated salt water taffy bitches!!!!


Well-Known Member
haha so yeah awhile back i was making some taffy and realized how easily i could medicate this! so now iv got a fresh batch of supplies, and im just turning 2 ounces of small buds and sugar leafs into hash to get rid of the plant taste and drop alot of chlorophyll. then i will be infusing all the hash into about 4 tablespoons of butter for about 100 pieces of candy. ill get some pics in the next couple days as i get it all done. plus i need new camera battery's.

im curious if anybody knows if vegetable or cooking glycerin is better for infusing thc than butter, and same question for corn syrup. it dosent use very much butter (2tbsp for 50 pieces of candy) so im thinking i should have hash in oil and the butter or maybe even more.

i plant to try and make hundreds of these after my outdoor is done. thats why i need to work all the kinks out in this now with lots of my indoor b buds and trim