Medical marijuana wisconsin


Well-Known Member
Any Wisconsin people here ? Im moving there in April and any advise or suggestions on good suburbs would be great.

Thank you and regards


Active Member
Any Wisconsin people here ? Im moving there in April and any advise or suggestions on good suburbs would be great.

Thank you and regards
I lived there for 25 years and it ok...
Food is great but the Cops suck!!!

Brookfield is a nice suburb.

I have lived in colorado for 12 years
and will NEVER leave is state!!!!!

Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
would luv to consider Colorado, but wifes family is in WI. So I guess im going to be a cheese head :)


Well-Known Member
so you want a more urban setting or a more country setting? I'd advise you stay away from milwaukee and go to the fox valley area. waupaca is a pretty nice place, so are stevens point and appleton.


Well-Known Member
Thank you a heap fellas, Fox Valley... My wife dose know the area 7 yrs ago. So keep em coming, and probably a little rural/ suburban. Pewaukee, delafield, etc.


WE NEED HELP ! The forum is brand new and needs experience on our side. Please come join and help out creating relevant topics etc.
I am new to this thread and wanted to join for a long time, so here I am. I live in Milwaukee and live in the Milwaukee suburbs. I live on the south-westside and enjoy it a lot. If you want to live in more of a country type setting that is close to the city, I'd look into Muskego. It's good but the cops are dicks, well everywhere in the Mill they are. I was also wondering where I can obtain a medical card. The reason is the past 6 years I've been telling my doctor about frequent migraines/headaches, I also read that you could get prescribed for ADD and asthma.


Well-Known Member
i live in Northeastern Wisconsin and love it.. i do hope they pass that law for MMJ patients cuz i wanna be first on the


Well-Known Member
guys it will be very hard to get a card here even if they do pass the law. only for cancer patients and terminal patients from what i understood/understand. really a devestating blow for me, I was so excited about being able to get a card and growing legally.
Well I was reading on that website and someone said ADD and migraines would be a reason. My doctors been telling me for the last 5 years to record them but she never gave me anything, Im guessing I wouldn't be able too? Same with depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, and bi polar. All of them run very deep in my family.


Well-Known Member
You should qualify most are diagnosable.

There will be compassionate Doctors on the boards soon also, answering questions from patients and potential patients..


Well-Known Member
so if i have a history of of depression and bi-polar and schizo effective and add/adhd I can get it you think? i've got records from tons of doctors and psych wards and social workers and the county nurse and etc of it all.


Well-Known Member
so if i have a history of of depression and bi-polar and schizo effective and add/adhd I can get it you think? i've got records from tons of doctors and psych wards and social workers and the county nurse and etc of it all.
I can say mate, im no doctor. But I would say give it a few weeks and someone in the forum should ba able to. I will ask our team doc that will be consulting.

When is the actual legalization of it coming to Wisconsin? When do they vote for this?
I would say BY the end JAN all votes will be in. So if you have not sent your letters to local Reps, DO IT NOW !
If you want a letter template, contact details, or any help with this PLEASE PM ME !
we have a section in there already with the LAW, when, how, etc
here; LINK
And we will try updating everyday


Well-Known Member
If you have not sent your letters to local Reps, DO IT NOW !If you want a letter template, contact details ie; email, address, people, or any help with this PLEASE PM ME !