Medical marijuana for legg calve perthes?


Well-Known Member
What the hell is a legg calve perthes? I assume that legg=leg, calve=calf but I just cant figure out what word you misspelled to come up with perthes.


Well-Known Member
If you're in seattle you should be able to get it if you have/get the right doctor. I dunno what this condition is that you are asking about, but all you would need to do is contact a marijuana friendly doctor (google will help you find one.) and they will likely instruct you to fax in like the last 3 doctors visits pertaining to your complaint and then discuss setting up an appointment from there. Thats all Im going to say. you'll have to do your own googling to ffigure out the rest. but basically...any ailment can be medicated with marijuana so I'd say yes.


Active Member
look in little nickel want ads, the free ones in stores in the area, and cbr med should have a # in there. If you have pain then you should get approved, I just went through it and was pretty easy, just need your medical records for like 6mo to a year. Any more info u can I'm me, I live in the Seattle area.