Medical Grow:Blueberry, Red Diesel, Gouda, Pineapple Express + Much More!


Active Member
Starting a new Journal to track the development of a couple new strains I am hoping will a good addition to my medical grow.
I recently ordered a handful of pick n mix seeds from the attitude, they made it too my house in about a week. Last time I ordered from them it took close to a month. Much more satisfied with a week. :clap:
I am currently running a perpetual aero/nft system. (The stinkbud system, credit where credit is due, and thought I'd start some seeds in dirt to turn into mothers in a couple months.
I ordered,
Barneys Farm RED DIESEL, Dutch Passion BLUEBERRY, and Soma Seeds SOGOUDA

Attitude threw in a couple freebies as well, they are
DNA Genetics ROCKLOCK, Magus Genetics EXILE, G13 Labs BLUEBERRY GUM, G13 Labs PINEAPPLE EXPRESS and Reserva Privada's KANDY KUSH

So far every seed has popped that I have started germinating. The only ones still in the bags are the Exile and the Rocklock, everything else has a tail.
I am growing them in Foxfarm Ocean Forest under T5 Flourescents, then a 400w Metal Halide and finishing under a 1000w HPS.

And some more pictures of what I am doing,

Here is my veg room, in the tent is the aero vegger and cloner and outside are the dirt plants. From left too right they are Bubba Kush, Amnesia Haze and Lavender.

Here's the vegger with some babys, just got moved out of the cloner a couple days ago, they will really take off in the next three weeks then go into flower.
The strains are (from back to front)
Lavender, unknown indica that i like, bubba, amnesia, and then blue moonshine.

I will take pictures of the flower room next time it lights up.


My outdoor Blue Moonshine,

But for this thread I'm going to focus on the NEW STRAINS,
the more interest the more time i'll take posting.


Well-Known Member
I like the indoor "closet" looking situation, looks very neat and efficient. I would like to see your flower room pics. Those T5's are really making your little ones look great.


Active Member
Turns on in two ours, I'll have pics then. Thanks man I like the T5's a lot, first lights I ever bought (cuz they were cheap hah) and don't regret it.


Well-Known Member
Plants look great! Yeah - i am thinking about what to get for my youngsters right now. Have been succesfully using flourscents for many years - cheap and easy. Are the t5 really that much better? - also i'm thinking about getting a LED, but not sure they're worth it yet.

Your strains sound like you'll be getting some nice medication soon. - would love to try those some time.


Active Member
Thanks Man, I would reccomend the T5's, they're the only flouro's I've used but I've enjoyed them and the results. I used just the MH for my last 3 weeks of veg for the ones that I just put up in flower and have to say I liked it better with the flouro's first. So they're back. Hah.
And yeah, when I top the first time I'll put the cutting in the aerocloner then put it right into flower. Interested in seeing what some of these strains are going to be like.


Well-Known Member
I"m in looks like a much better version of my closet the soil bags. IF you don't mind me asking what type of soil are you using?


Active Member
thanks man, I'm using foxfarm ocean forest. Right now I got the bigger plants in 5 gallon smart pots and the seeds got transplanted into 2.5. When they are larger I will transplant them to a 5 gallon pot to finish vegging and then either a 1.5 or a 2 for flower. Not sure yet but got plenty of time to figure it out.


Active Member
And it looks clean now, just give it a couple months hah!
Usually I am pretty sloppy but I have been working on self improvement.


Active Member
Here's my Garden Lion,

We have a whole mess of dogs around the house but they are not allowed in the rooms with plants. The all think foxfarm tastes delicious.
Gives the kitty a safe haven and she's always boppin with the plants.


Active Member
Got sidetracked and didn't take pictures of the flowering room last night, but that's not what this threads really about. I'll get too it tonight.
I'm usually real bad at keeping track of dates but I am going to try to be better for this round.
I had 2 of the seeds I planted sprout today, (10.19.10)

Pineapple Express 10.19.10


Well-Known Member
I have a few things on the way. I'm currently sitting on 15 pure strain WW seeds waiting for the rest of my equipment to get here before germinating.

I have two humidity dome/seed starters coming with heat mats and I've purchased 6 CFL's for the newborns. I'll be putting these into veg under a 400watt MH and have a separate flower room with a 600w HPS.

First grow

3 gallon pots
1.) FoxFarm Ocean Forest
2.) Jack's Classic 20-20-20 for veg
3.) Jack's Bloomer for flower
4.) Tap water set out to reduce chlorine and aquarium aerators oxygenating the water
(I've been told the aeration isn't neccessary but it makes sense to me that the more oxygenized the water the better (shrug)

The more I look at the T5's though, the more I'm wondering if I should pick up a couple for a little extra veg lumens. I really like how your plants look under yours.

How do I subscribe to this? I would like to see more =)


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When you post you have the option to subscribe, you can choose if you want to be updated by email or not. If not you can just see the thread in your "My Rollitup" when there are no posts.
I am trying to decide if I didn't have the T5's already would I buy them again, considering I have a 150w HPS, 400w MH 600w HPS and 1000w HPS I have plenty of light.
I'll be able to give an accurate assessment in a couple weeks because I did the last round of clones with just MH and this time I am using t5 then MH and if I like it more then I would say you should look into getting them.


Well-Known Member
Yeah definately keep us posted on your FLoro opinions. I know I'm really curious. For now I'll start 5 or 6 plants under the 400wMH. Good Shit SFImage, keep up the love man!


Active Member
Got some pictures of my flowering plants under the 1000w. These are only 4 days into flower and have a lot of growing to go ahead of them. In 2 and a half weeks the plants in the vegger will move up into another unit like this.
The reflector is a Blockbuster 6, such a nice upgrade from the crappy HTG euro reflector I used to run.
The plants in here only saw the 400w mh before this.

Tonight I'm going to take my clones off the bottom's of these plants, also eliminates the popcorn problem.
The strains flowering now are blue moonshine (closest to us) and the unkown indica (in the back)
Aiming for a christmas harvest. Then every 3 weeks after.


Well-Known Member
Just stopping in to say hello! Hope the grow is going well!

I've been a busy one. I have my first grow room set up and just began germinating my Widows.