MDMA ideas....


Active Member
e is so dirty tasting. i actually think their more disgusting than anything i have ever tasted, along with mushrooms. but yeah, i still ALWAYS just crunch them and chase with waster mostly. i usually take two at one time and go from there, depending on how good im feeling and/or how much cash i


Well-Known Member
im in Ct and singles go anywhere from $8-15 for banging pills $20 if kids are playin stupid for some reason on that particular day ( white G ladys, orange louie vuittons, green toyotas, white G ladys white blue dots, red apples, and some dopey ass yellow ones i cant remember but its basicially the g ladys all the time, has been for about 3 years straight now


Well-Known Member
Just don’t mix it with grapefruit juice. It is a natural MIOA and can be very dangerous.


Anyone who rails E pills is a fucking moron. Nuff said.

Just pop the damn pill and quit bein' a bitch.


Well-Known Member
I used to do it before I found out theres shit in the pill that basicallly is stuck in your lungs forever when hits you hard as fuck if you do, but burns like a motherfucker and one pill = a fat ass line


Well-Known Member
What about smoking it?
yeah you can smoke it
Smoking MDMA is just waist full. It will hardly do anything and a small amount will take you about 10 lung full’s to get down. Smoking pills is stupid because you are also smoking all the binders. Not a tasty experience.

MDMA is highly soluble. Just dissolve it in any drink or eat it. Taking MDMA orally is by far the best and safest way. For the biggest hit stick it up your ass but never snort or inject it. There are too many unknowns with the cut.

A friend of mine snorted a pill about 6 months ago and it broke all the capillaries around his eyes because it was cut with glass. He had black eyes for 2 weeks. (just imagine what it could do in you mainlined in). Eating or shelving a pill with cut glass in it will not cause much damage. But I don’t particularly like the idea of sticking anything up my ass. But whatever floats your boat.


Well-Known Member
well yeah you shouldnt smoke pills, Im talking about molly...Ive never done it, but I know it can be done....a pill cut with glass, thats just fstupid...unless of course you mean meth, but I dont see how that would cause someone to get black eyes


Well-Known Member
well yeah you shouldnt smoke pills, Im talking about molly...Ive never done it, but I know it can be done....a pill cut with glass, thats just fstupid...unless of course you mean meth, but I dont see how that would cause someone to get black eyes
No glass. Glass is sometimes used to cut pill as it cuts your stomach lining and makes you absorb the MDMA faster. It is actually quite conmen. Only 2 weeks ago I got a pill off a random at a club and when I bloke it there was a 0.5mm round piece of glass in it. It’s not the first time I have seen it. But do take a lot of pills. 10 to 20 per month


Well-Known Member
No glass. Glass is sometimes used to cut pill as it cuts your stomach lining and makes you absorb the MDMA faster. It is actually quite conmen. Only 2 weeks ago I got a pill off a random at a club and when I bloke it there was a 0.5mm round piece of glass in it. It’s not the first time I have seen it. But do take a lot of pills. 10 to 20 per month

Since all i deal with is mdma (molly) I don't worry about glass and I didn't mean smoking pill's because besides the other drugs you have a coloring agent that is the real cut, pill makers will get molly and cut it up with blue powder paint to make blue dolphins or yellow for yellow Superman's ect ect then press them to make pills or some will give you the right product which is a white powder/crystals in a gel cap.


Well-Known Member
No glass. Glass is sometimes used to cut pill as it cuts your stomach lining and makes you absorb the MDMA faster. It is actually quite conmen. Only 2 weeks ago I got a pill off a random at a club and when I bloke it there was a 0.5mm round piece of glass in it. It’s not the first time I have seen it. But do take a lot of pills. 10 to 20 per month
To press something into a pill it has to be a fine powder...if you crushed glass into a fine powder it wouldnt cut your stomach lining. Why would someone take the time to crush up glass when they could just use something readily available as a pwder such as talc...doesnt make any sense...dancesafe has never found a pill with glass in it in the ten years theyve been testing pills....never heard this one before, but definitely a myth