Mdma capsule


was supposed to be a mdma capsule but turned out to be a blue powder packed in a capsule. you think its a mdma base and something else or what?


Well-Known Member
it may very well be VIAGRA... but as said it could be anything!

It could be some wise guy trying to pass off a pressed tab mdma pill as molly to make more money... just be careful about consuming anything in capsule before knowing the actual ingredients in the capsule!


Well-Known Member
was supposed to be a mdma capsule but turned out to be a blue powder packed in a capsule. you think its a mdma base and something else or what?
Better safe than sorry man. Only buy pure molly (looks like brown sugar, not viagra!)
If you live in the US will test samples for free.

As far as "Molly" looking like brown sugar, you need to get a new connect. It should be an off-white crystaline powder.
Anyone interested in this kinda stuff should read PIHKAL by Alexander Shulgin. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
If your not sure of what your getting is Mdma I would advise not consuming,there is some sites out there where in most cases you could figure out if what your getting is in fact mdma.. I would suggest when you purchase your ex pill you take a look at most fake and real mdma pills will be most likely posted on there with some reports and sometimes test results.. Its very dangerous to take something your not sure whats substance might be in it, ive made the mistake of not researching my pills and paid the price with fake pills so make sure you have a good connect and research your pills and you should be cool..


Well-Known Member
i would this its ground E that the guy slipped in a cap. but like everyone said , if your not sure dont risk it .. try to weigh it . if its over .3 Its not pure mdma , more caps are .07-.3 of mdma in my area .


Well-Known Member
yet again who the fuck has a scale handy with them at a rave or club.... just be safe and don't purchase weird ass capsules from a stranger!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
First and foremost, the blue can more than likely be attributed to blue food coloring. Second off, get a test kit.


Better safe than sorry man. Only buy pure molly (looks like brown sugar, not viagra!)
I would not go so far to say PURE molly looks like brown sugar. I would say that molly that has not been washed looks like brown sugar, but that is not pure molly. Pure molly should be crystalline I do believe.


Well-Known Member
First and foremost, the blue can more than likely be attributed to blue food coloring. Second off, get a test kit.


I would not go so far to say PURE molly looks like brown sugar. I would say that molly that has not been washed looks like brown sugar, but that is not pure molly. Pure molly should be crystalline I do believe.
The crystal is where its AT ;)