Mc Donalds


ha man i hear you, i used to act crazy going through drivethru's, but i was an ignorant stoner back then. Now i work at burgerking and learned how shitty fast food is, so im currently serving time for years of douchebag karma. lol

please please dont take more than 2:30 in ANY drivethru and please dont order over 15.00 or else go in side.

sorry if im whining and ranting but im high as tits and i have to go to my shitty job in 3 hours.
> <

common courtesy is all i ask, imagine how shitty the lives of the people that work there are(my life ha).

though it is funny to fuck with them sometimes.

Oh! and dont go through drivethru if its 15 mins before they close.

: ]



Active Member
I remember a little while back, my friend came into town, and so whenever he comes down for a weekend or whatever, we spend the entire weekend getting baked.

Anyways, it was about 5 PM and since it was at the beginning of December, it was already dark out. Now, personally, I absolutely love walking around when it's dark out. Especially when I'm baked. So we had decided that we should go for a little walk along the beach before heading up to McDonald's.

So when we get to McDonald's, I told my friend to wait outside while I bought us a bunch of food. By this point, it was about 7 PM, so a bunch of people were just getting their late dinners from Mickey D's, so I had to wait about 10 minutes before I got my food. I then proceeded to get two Double Big Mac meals supersized, one for me and one for my buddy. When I got the food, I went outside, and my friend wasn't there. I had two large Coke's in my hand, as well as a bag with two large fries and two Double Big Macs, so I looked like a bit of a goof carrying around so much food standing around alone. So I scanned the perimeter, walked around the building, and couldn't find him.

And to fuck my luck even further, that just had to be the day that my buddy's cell phone was dead so he left it at my house to charge, so I had no way of getting a hold of him. I was freaking out, getting really fucking scared, just walking around the building over and over again, hoping that maybe I'd see him. About twenty five minutes later, I decided to just go back behind the building and just chill for a bit, hoping maybe he'd show up. And eventually, I saw him walking down the street towards me. I asked him what the fuck he was thinking and why he wasn't where I told him to meet me, and he said "Some people asked me for a cigarette. I got really scared and decided to go for a walk."

Stupid friend, always scared of confrontations when high. Anyways, afterward, we went back down to the beach and munched out in the dark. Was an amazing night.