Maybe Now People Will Take Their Votes More Seriously


New Member
Yes I'm going to have to agree, the voting system is set up for only the two parties. From my point of view, both parties have done nothing but screw this country up. It's time to get rid of them, but with the current system you get to pick the candidate that you view as the lesser of 2 evils.

I figure I should come out and say it, to remove any doubt about my attitude towards my vote.

I must admit that I'm not going to take my vote seriously, and have never had any intention of taking my vote seriously. I don't plan on taking my vote seriously this election, because there is no point in doing so.

Voting for either mainstream candidate is just plain crazy. So I can either cast an insane vote, or I can cast an off the wall vote. In the end it comes down to being unable to take my vote seriously.



New Member
I feel that people who are making a quarter of a million dollars a year can afford to pay more taxes than someone who makes 50 thousand a year.
Well then, you'll have to continue to vote for socialistic dreamers. But of course along with voting for the looters, you'll have to abide with their bribery for votes of Social Security and Medicare as well. :lol:



New Member
Vi everytime you use the word socialists all I can see is you cashing your social security check and going to the doctor using your medicare. Please fuck off with that shit already. You are the one who is gaining the most benefits from socialist programs.