Master spawning q's


Well-Known Member
I need help. Mycelium is growing up side of grow bag. Was wondering if I take some of what is (aggressively colonizing... In mid air) an could I possibly transfer that live tissue?



Well-Known Member
Sterile technique sucks and you want to get away from it as soon as possible in the process.

Mix it into compost at 1 to 4 ratio. Then when colonized mix with more compost.

Compost must be pasteurized not sterilized.


Well-Known Member
Sterile technique sucks and you want to get away from it as soon as possible in the process.

Mix it into compost at 1 to 4 ratio. Then when colonized mix with more compost.

Compost must be pasteurized not sterilized.

Sterile is a lain but if you want to do cukture work, there is no other way. Propagating from hyphae to pasturized substrate means onky a few spawn points and a two week window.


Well-Known Member
i thank you for your valuable insight. letting grobag do its thang:cuss:. will do live tissue inoculation when i achieve fruit bodies.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
my sterile technique is sufficient. just got into visual documentation:hump:. ive dedicated my life to agriculture. i belong to the earth8) peace love mycelium. good vibrations