Master Kush- CFL , First Time.. Help (pics)


Well-Known Member
Don't know why, might be temperatures.. its growing but really slow its at THREEweeks should pick its pace up since its root systems developed. its light light green, Im also posting updates pictures from today along with the post... WOULD LOVE SOME FEEDBACK HELP THIS MARTIAN OUT.


kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
well that soil deffinitely needs some perlite and that may need a tiny dose of N the foliage look to light its not really a deep shade of green

heres some kush im growing, day 14



Well-Known Member
well that soil deffinitely needs some perlite and that may need a tiny dose of N the foliage look to light its not really a deep shade of green

heres some kush im growing, day 14
wow mine is on 3rd week and its half your size.. how do i add perlite (does this mean transplant?) and a dose of n? never used nutes before.

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
well yes you will need to transplant. its the white stuff you see in soil. and N is is nitrogen its found in blood meal. and for a basic knowledge of nutes. the 3 numbers on the fertilizer bag like blah-blah-blah. so for veging you want a fertilizer with a high first number like blood meal is 12-0-0. for flowering you need a fertilizer with high second numbers like a bloom booster like blood meal 4-12-0 and organic potash 0-0-30+. or you can just go with chemical fertilizers.


Well-Known Member
well yes you will need to transplant. its the white stuff you see in soil. and N is is nitrogen its found in blood meal. and for a basic knowledge of nutes. the 3 numbers on the fertilizer bag like blah-blah-blah. so for veging you want a fertilizer with a high first number like blood meal is 12-0-0. for flowering you need a fertilizer with high second numbers like a bloom booster like blood meal 4-12-0 and organic potash 0-0-30+. or you can just go with chemical fertilizers.
alright so its okay for the plant to be pulled out and put back with some perlite(what kind should i get theres many)? wouldn't this be a major shock? and should i let the existing pot dry completely before i try to transplant it?

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
well turn the plant and put upside down after you water and see how far the roots come out. and yes it will stress them but it will be much better than leaving them in that soil and any perlite will work its all the same


Well-Known Member
well turn the plant and put upside down after you water and see how far the roots come out. and yes it will stress them but it will be much better than leaving them in that soil and any perlite will work its all the same

wont the dirt spill everywhere,.. its no compact its loose dirt


Well-Known Member
alright i squeezed my pot last night so all the dirt is loose.. did it enough to loose all the dirt ,. so when i woke up this morning before heading out on the campus.. i saw the stalk rip out the previous one and its gotten bigger.. i think the lights were too close.. i gave them space.. looks like a inch of growth in one night .. i don't know about transplanting its in its 3rd week... .. And when should i put it in flowering its prolly 6 inches tall right now.. and about 4 inches wide.. i will post pics on week 4.. i think i will start flowering on week 4.


Well-Known Member
itlll hit 2 feet if you flower now and you dont lst of top
at that stage of growth i top

Hey kid cana i listened to you, and i think ill have better results i transplanted it in a 6 gallon pot but only put the dirt up to 3 gallons
i want to use the bottoms to clone any way.. i think they love the new space.. I will give it a few days till i post new pictures. im going to wait after it comes out of shock and looks healthy


Well-Known Member
One of my buddies said don't flower at all for now because theres no way in hell this thing can grow 2 more feet only bud will produce, well after looking at every bodies post's it seems they do grow double when 12/12 but you think i should let it veg for another few weeks before i 12/12 i want it to be mature and well grown.


kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
how big do you want it? and call your friend a dumbass that plant will be atleast 16 in if you flower. maybe more i havent grown any master but i have grown some hindu hybrids that grew from 9 in to over 2 feet during flower..... id top it for a clone. then let it grow out untill you see the new branches come out and make your plant look like a Y then flower. youll get a nice 2 foot bush


Well-Known Member
should i wait for the definite sign of sex or should i wait a bit before i grow and then clone

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
well it wont really matter unless you want this to be a mother. read up on cloning methods. clone it veg it put the clone somewhere in indirect light let it root whil your plant is veging then when the plant is bigger you can flower it.


Well-Known Member
So Check this out.. how do i know its a female or acutally when can i tell its a female... its starting to give off a little smell now its still in veg stage im going to veg till 7 nodes are fully mature... so any input?? any body..



Well-Known Member
I started flowering mine at around 7 nodes (4" tall about) and in the past 10 days they've shot skyward (at least a foot and a half now). Dunno how big you want this plant in the end but they definately double/tripple in size durring flowering. My link has pics if interested