Mary Chiva's Papaya Aurora Indica Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
damn dude i cant wait to see new pics of your plants. i was looking at the pics on page 14 and you can tell the difference between the 2, its flippen aewsome, im jealous..

I hope you get fat fucking buds bro. =]


Well-Known Member
damn dude i cant wait to see new pics of your plants. i was looking at the pics on page 14 and you can tell the difference between the 2, its flippen aewsome, im jealous..

I hope you get fat fucking buds bro. =]
Yeah dude it blows my mind how fast these babies are growing. They literally change daily, it's mind boggling. There is a lot of branching going on right now, and they keep getting taller. More pics tomorrow.

Updates....I just gave everyone a good watering and I also gave 2 teaspoons/gallon of Tiger Bloom and 2 tablespoons/gallon of Big Bloom. I'll probably keep them at this dose for a while and eventually up the Big Bloom to about 4 tablespoons/gallon. I am probably going to need to buy some more Big Bloom. There's no way this bottle will make it to harvest.

There is still only 1 plant (a papaya) showing signs of preflowers. We'll know soon if it's a girl or a boy. Hopefully the rest will start to flower soon. :: crossing fingers ::


Well-Known Member
Sounds good ill be on here tomorrow to see the pics. And i posted pics of my plants so you should check em out bro. laters


Well-Known Member
hey mary, sorry for showing up so late but I'm definitely watching ure grow as I have just ordered a batch of aurora from nirvana. Which one of ure two strains u reckon have been nicer to grow....?
hope u get massive buds


Well-Known Member
hey mary, sorry for showing up so late but I'm definitely watching ure grow as I have just ordered a batch of aurora from nirvana. Which one of ure two strains u reckon have been nicer to grow....?
hope u get massive buds
No worries dude! Umm...I'm not sure which one is easier to grow, they've both been about the same. The aurora's were slower to take off (slower at germination and seedling stage), but now, they are ALL taller than ALL of the papaya's. The papaya's are much more uniform and look to be more stable though. The papaya's are 'prettier' than the AI's in my opinion. I'll find out which I like better come harvest time.

Read through the thread man, there is a lot here. You'll be happy growing aurora's. You should check out SAmisery's thread too (see above)...he's got a few aurora's going as well.

BTW, thanks, I hope I get massive buds too!


Well-Known Member
:joint::weed::weed::weed:Weekly Pic Update :weed::weed::weed: :joint:

The tallest plants are about 18 inches and the oldest ones are 36 days old. Still, the only plant I see with signs of pre-flowers would be Papaya 3. If you notice the filenames of the pictures...I've named the babies the same for a while now (see old 14 has last weekly pic update). We started 12/12 on, oddly enough, 12/12/08...very funny. Hopefully we'll see more signs of sex soon.

So far there are no signs of nute burn. I'm going to keep them on the same dosage for a while (read post above).

...and let the lady dance commence...

:hump:Come on flowers:hump: :hump:Come on flowers:hump:

Enjoy the pics.



Well-Known Member
super pics! you got to promise me for your second/third grow you will top... thats all i want to do is snip snip. HAHA.. but i wouldn't do it now of course..

did you notice any kind of growing while they were in complete darkness?


Well-Known Member
hell yea mary, i'm happy for you. what a good looking grow. i'm getting bud sites all over mine. i'm getting pumped.


Well-Known Member
looking awsome dude, keep up the good work.
Thanks man, I'm trying :)

super pics! you got to promise me for your second/third grow you will top... thats all i want to do is snip snip. HAHA.. but i wouldn't do it now of course..

did you notice any kind of growing while they were in complete darkness?
I made up my mind before hand with this grow that I was gonna do it completely without pruning. Believe me...this is very hard to do....I want to cut stuff... I MAY prune a fan leave or two...we'll see. I really wanted to try a sea of green. Pruning the bottom branches may be a good idea, still, I haven't decided. I didn't want to experiment much with this first 'real' grow. I want to make sure I have something good to smoke at the end. Next time, I'll get creative.

It's really hard to tell when they grow, honestly. They grow so fast I have no idea and I don't spend but about an hour a week total with them normally.

hell yea mary, i'm happy for you. what a good looking grow. i'm getting bud sites all over mine. i'm getting pumped.
Thanks, I'm happy for you too! These papaya's really rock, no joke. They are all starting to smell nice too :leaf::leaf::leaf::weed::weed:

UPDATE... I'm beginning to see more preflowers. I'm pretty certain that papaya 3 is a male at this point. I'll let it go a few more days to make sure. If so, I will remove him and put him in another building to collect pollen from (thanks Pimp). I will probably cross the aurora and papaya. I'll probably even take the papaya pollen to another female papaya bud. I'd like to get a bunch of seeds (containable) to store. It be neat to have my own strain of seeds too! I don't know how stable they'd be....

The good news you ask? I'm beginning to think I have 5 females right now (which would just rock!!!!!). I 'think' I see female preflowers on papaya 1, 2, 4 and aurora 2, 3. Papaya 5 (the runt but now very sexy) and aurora 1 aren't showing preflowers yet.

I am really liking how aurora 2 looks...'her' and papaya 2 are my favorite right now. They are all so pretty!


Well-Known Member
papaya is a nice finished product had a friend who grew some out along side some 100+usd somango seeds .
the papaya was much better and only 15 bucks on seedbay
good job so far..


Well-Known Member
papaya is a nice finished product had a friend who grew some out along side some 100+usd somango seeds .
the papaya was much better and only 15 bucks on seedbay
good job so far..
Good to know. I can't wait to get some of this to smoke. How exciting is that?! Thanks for the complement. Here's hoping...


Well-Known Member
i understand about letting em grow without interference this time. it wwould be rough to end up with a bunch of hermies due to experiments..

thats great ur going to give the males a shot too. r u going to put htem in the old box? i bet you could get away with that. seeds would be great. all my males died due to neglect.

it would appear your lady dance had just the right moves....


Well-Known Member
Actually, I think I may mess with the male thing another time. I still have 4 papaya seeds to work with. I don't really have the time to experiment.

Talk about doing the right moves with the lady dance...I'm pretty certain I have 6!!! yes I said 6!!! females right now. Papaya 1 (from the pics) already has hairs coming out one of her preflowers. This also makes me think I'm right in saying I have 6 females. Before the hairs came out on papaya 1, her preflowers looked like the rest of the plants' current preflowers. I could still even have 7 females because papaya 5 hasn't started showing sex yet. Papaya 3 is definitely a male.

Transplanting to come this weekend. I've been waiting to know who is a girl, now I know. I'll definitely know by Saturday which is when I plan to transplant. Sorry for papaya 3...poor guy...BUT ohhhhh how fortunate I am.

I can't believe how good this is going. I'm about to explode with excitement!


Well-Known Member
I just came back from our little friends and did a real good inspection. It looks like I may have jumped the gun on who is a female and who is a male. Papaya 1, 2, and 4 are all definitely female because they all have hairs now. Papaya 3 is a male and has been removed from the grow area. Papaya 5 is still about 6 inches tall and not showing signs of sex. Aurora 1 might be showing signs of preflowers and I 'think' they are female shaped. Aurora 2 and 3 are both starting to look like males it looks like I was wrong according to my last post, BUT these are both the aurora's I suspected to be males earlier in the grow...and I mentioned it in a few posts back in the journal. the grow area, I now have 3 definite female papaya's and 1 papaya not showing sex. I also have 2 suspected male aurora's and 1 suspected female aurora. We're down to 7 plants at the grow spot...I'll get rid of all male's on Saturday during the transplant. I'm sure I'll know who is who by then. It looks like the flowering stage is starting to get by Saturday it should be clear which ones are female and male. At least I have 3 definite girls so far. I hope I get more!

I moved some of the plants around to make better use of the light, and I put papaya 5 (the runt) on top of an upside down bucket to get it closer to the light.

Updates to follow on Saturday.


Well-Known Member
"We are gathered here today, as friends, as family, to see our friend Papaya 3 rest in peace. In his brief life he taught us the way of cannabis growing. Let us pray..."

More memorial services to follow.

