Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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Well-Known Member
Another personal attack and I'll have bingo. Because you've got nothing of value to contribute to the conversation, you just keep hurling insults and trying to derail threads.

Thanks again for keeping this one at the top!


Well-Known Member
So RIU is the democratic party now?

So progressive... No wonder bernouts are so deeply unpopular here. Your reading comprehension is even worse than Shytstikk's.
The difference between you and Pad is that he actually has supporting evidence for his assertions. You got nothing... as usual.


Well-Known Member
Lol, you are literally the king of spam, bumping your old dumpster fire threads incessantly with mindless drivel and inane "nakedcapitalism" links while rarely ever responding to actual arguments.


Well-Known Member
The difference between you and Pad is that he actually has supporting evidence for his assertions. You got nothing... as usual.
Quoting you verbatim is not a cheap shot and repeatedly linking a Harvard-Harris poll to contend with the fucking results of the primary election is only evidence that he is as dumb as you are, you go-getter in search of a real sweet heart.


Well-Known Member
Quoting you verbatim is not a cheap shot and repeatedly linking a Harvard-Harris poll to contend with the fucking results of the primary election is only evidence that he is as dumb as you are, you go-getter in search of a real sweet heart.
Again with the personal attacks because you can't debate on the substance of the issues.

So transparent. So childish.


Well-Known Member
Why do you hate Bernie Sanders so much?
How is that bill of Sanders's doing? I haven't been following it very much. Has it even made it to the floor of the Senate for a debate?

Have they come up with a way to pay for it yet?

Do you take criticism of Sanders as hate speech?


Well-Known Member
How is that bill of Sanders's doing? I haven't been following it very much. Has it even made it to the floor of the Senate for a debate?

Have they come up with a way to pay for it yet?

Do you take criticism of Sanders as hate speech?

Why do you hate Bernie Sanders so much?
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