marijunana DEATHS???


Well-Known Member
wrong forum i know but growing up i always had been tol there has never been any marijuana deaths, after a very heated arguement with me professor he informed me there have been marijuana deaths, trying not 2 caugh after hiting a bong and a few other cases i looked alot up and have very mixed reviews any help on this would be awesome thanks



Well-Known Member
trust me i have done huge ammounts of research on this topic aendsnd was my protest website of refural. (regularly protest with friends) an i just want 2 be one hundered percent on the facts.....

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Honestly i think your proffesor either made it up or found fake facts. Peace and happy toking.


Well-Known Member
wrong forum i know but growing up i always had been tol there has never been any marijuana deaths, after a very heated arguement with me professor he informed me there have been marijuana deaths, trying not 2 caugh after hiting a bong and a few other cases i looked alot up and have very mixed reviews any help on this would be awesome thanks

no, according to US medical records, overdose from marijuana has never been listed as the cause of death on a single death certificate.


wrong forum i know but growing up i always had been tol there has never been any marijuana deaths, after a very heated arguement with me professor he informed me there have been marijuana deaths, trying not 2 caugh after hiting a bong and a few other cases i looked alot up and have very mixed reviews any help on this would be awesome thanks

Your professor should be more concerned with your spelling and grammar than he is your Marijuana usage IMO, lol. :lol::bigjoint::peace:


Well-Known Member
No one has ever Overdosed on weed.

I imagine there have been a lot of deaths indirectly related to weed... people walking out in front of cars, falling over, etc.

It would take more weed than you could reasonable ingest to No, just No.


Well-Known Member
There are no statistically documented deaths from Mary Jane but there certainly are related deaths based on side effects including cancer and car accidents. I've dropped the lit joint while rollin' down the interstate myself lol... :eyesmoke: I've also had two friends get into accidents because they were super high and one time they did drop a joint and went off the road and hit a tree while being occupied trying to find it while moving :roll: (poor judgment)

But the real comparison is between Mary Jane and legal drugs such as alcohol or cigarettes. Like alcohol in the right dosages Mary Jane can help with a variety of ailments. But I'm much more comfortable with a buddy taking a couple bong rippers bongsmilie and driving home vs. a few shots of Jack for example.
The real story is the amount of folks who go to jail (a for profit industry) an drain our tax money which could be spent on education, failing infrastructure, universal healthcare... etc... Anyone defending the illegality of Mary Jane :dunce: needs to get their priorities in line and focus on the HUGE impact of making it illegal and how it's destroying lives and draining resources.:cuss:

Gotta save our brothers and sisters who were just looking for a little relief in this complex and often times crazy existence :bigjoint::peace:


Well-Known Member
I read a report of a man in Morrocco dying from a block of Hashish falling from a building and killing a man as it hit him on the head. Toxicologists say that you would have to eat more marijuana than any stomach could hold. Any substance can kill you if it is possible to consume enough of it, luckily you cant! Over consumption of water kills many people every year, but it gets put down to Ectasy!! Funny old world isn't it!


Well-Known Member
wrong forum i know but growing up i always had been tol there has never been any marijuana deaths, after a very heated arguement with me professor he informed me there have been marijuana deaths, trying not 2 caugh after hiting a bong and a few other cases i looked alot up and have very mixed reviews any help on this would be awesome thanks

"Yes there have been deaths from marijuana use."

"No there haven't."

"Have so."


Sounds like it's up to your prof either to cite an example or explain why he or she can't.


Well-Known Member
i can only defend what i know and the overdose aspect i understood, but when he brought up people smoking a bong and killing themselves various ways, all i could say 2 him was "were not debating SMOKING marjuana were debating marijuana as a plant, i also told him smoking cigs is bad for your health 2 but vaporized tabbacco can have good effecs, aswell many other aphrodisiacs. he then asked me 2 review my facts and put my passion elsewhere. my wife and I laughed and left but i had never heard of any one dying from bong hits and things related.


Well-Known Member
"Yes there have been deaths from marijuana use."

"No there haven't."

"Have so."


Sounds like it's up to your prof either to cite an example or explain why he or she can't.

Yea went just like that ....then a clown came in and did a few flares, threw out a few knives, and left everyones close. wanna come 2 my college??? :weed:


Well-Known Member
There has been deaths from marijuana but it was from people who had massive anxiety issues and problems before the fact.
People with intense anxiety conditions have a habit of freaking out and getting their heart racing and other issues. The only real deaths were linked with these issues and other problems such as heart disease where the heart raced so fast that it would burst blood vessels. Pussy tweakers imo.
I use marijuana to treat gsad (generalized social anxiety disorder) and have never had a problem with it.


Well-Known Member
No one has ever Overdosed on weed.

I imagine there have been a lot of deaths indirectly related to weed... people walking out in front of cars, falling over, etc.

It would take more weed than you could reasonable ingest to No, just No.
I agree. You CAN overdose on water. (if you don't believe me Google "Water Overdose") So with that being said, I do think Marijuana can "in a way," kill ya. But, I think you would have to have some other health problem like, a bad heart. Just after you get through smoking weed your heart rate does go up. However if your one of the un-lucky ones that does have a heart attack from smoking pot, you were gonna die soon eather way. On the other hand you can have a heart atack from having sex. So does that mean we should all stop having sex? You be the judge. But, the "0" death from smoking pot in the entire history of man kind, I don't know about that. Everything in moderation...:weed:


Junior Creatologist
fuck talkin about marijuana deaths. id rather hit up youtube n watch Soma talk for a fuckin hour about a gang of crazy ass shit at the cannibus cup last year. meh. weed deaths is fuckin retarded. your more likely to smoke yourself sober before you do anything else.


Well-Known Member
You can't smoke or eat enough to kill you, and yes even a heart attack if weed triggered it so would sex or walking a flight of stairs.

There probably have been auto accidents though, or something. I did run up a curb while driving when I first started smoking at 16 or so. Just spaced out and was fucking with the radio or something and forgot I was driving at 30mph. Curb got my attention, no damage it was a vw beetle, tough little thing.


Well-Known Member
According to " a smoker would have to consume nearly 1500 pounds of marijuana in about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response"


Well-Known Member
I believe that marijuana might impair some people's judgements and cause them to make poor decisions such as driving irresponsibly and getting into an accident resulting in someone's death. But I would attribute it more to the driver's inexperience and poor judgement, not marijuana.

And your professors example is crap for several reasons.


Well-Known Member
there was actually a study done on overdosing from marijuana.. they used rats for the experiment and couldn't even kill the rats.. the rats got slightly ill when inflicted with x smoke over x time. the funny thing the study found is to be fatal you would have to smoke around 1000 joints in a few minutes. they still couldn't prove it would cause death though since they couldn't even kill a lab rat from od on pot. there has never been one death related to marijuana use though. well, there has been but its the cops raiding the marijuana user causing death.. not the plant itself.. if your prof ever mentions that again, just say do you know how many people die each year from asprin? here are some yearly approximate stats on death from substances..

Jack Herer - Comparison

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]TOBACCO[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]340,000 to 450,000[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]ALCOHOL (Not including 50% of all highway deaths and 65% of all murders) [/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]150,000+[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]ASPIRIN (Including deliberate overdose) [/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]180 to 1,000+[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]CAFFEINE (From stress, ulcers, and triggering irregular heartbeats, etc.) [/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]1,000 to 10,000 [/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"LEGAL" DRUG OVERDOSE (Deliberate or accidental) from legal, prescribed or patent medicines and/or mixing with alcohol - e.g. Valium/alcohol [/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]14,000 to 27,000 [/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]ILLICIT DRUG OVERDOSE (Deliberate or accidental) from all illegal drugs.[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]3,800 to 5,200 [/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]MARIJUANA[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]0 [/FONT]