Marijuana Tea...with milk.


I wanted to make a nice warm drink before bed since it is wintertime now and starting to snow,and i wanted a nice body high to game out and go to sleep on, unfortunateley this is impossible tonight because i smoked all my weed and that is what made me want these things, it got me to thinking (after searching recipes and hearing complaints) since marijuana is not water soluble but fat soluble... couldnt you just make the tea out of just really high fat milk? This is how hot chocolate was supposed to be made...with milk, and ive made tea and all kinds of hot drinks with milk, because water makes things taste too weak for me.

So since milk has fat in it couldnt you just get high fat milk, boil some ganja in a tea bag with ONLY milk, steep it, drink it, and get really high?


it will work, though I feel much more comfortable using coconut milk.....MUCH more fat, and it tastes MUCH better ;)


Well-Known Member
Damn coconut shit is so expensive over here, and I do love coconut. As grow said, the fat content is the most important... b.t.w. the site has a whole edibles section for things like that.


Damn coconut shit is so expensive over here, and I do love coconut. As grow said, the fat content is the most important... b.t.w. the site has a whole edibles section for things like that.
damn, I would figure that you would pay about the same as us for coco milk, but alas, every county has its perks :D


HAAA thanks for the great idea about the coconut milk..of course it still probably will taste faintly of bongwater..or bongmilk for that matter, but ill just have to get stoned enough to like it XD.... and this would end up being much more potent than just water right?

side note- ive heard of people adding butter to the water LOL dont they know that the particals will separate and you would be left with a layer of butter at the bottom?GROSS!