Marijuana leaf ads on Olympia buses raise ire


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Marijuana leaf ads on Olympia buses raise ire

OLYMPIA — Some riders and at least one driver are complaining about an advertisement featuring a marijuana leaf on some transit buses in Olympia.

By The Associated Press

OLYMPIA — Some riders and at least one driver are complaining about an advertisement featuring a marijuana leaf on some transit buses in Olympia.

The Olympia Hempfest ad accepted by Intercity Transit has an image of a marijuana leaf and the slogan, "Equal Rights are for Everybody."

A lawyer for the transit agency, Tom Bjorgen, says the ads could have been rejected if they were viewed as encouraging people to smoke pot.

However, Bjorgen says a reasonable reader would more likely see the ads as a political statement for legalization of marijuana.

Olympia Hempfest founder Jeremy Miller says Intercity Transit was paid about $3,000 to place the ads on the sides of 12 buses for four weeks.

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