Marijuana kills again.

Kush Push

Active Member
Visiting Chinese professer swerves off road while "rolling down window" murders 18 year old high school senior walking on the sidewalk. Spends 30 days on house arrest


Well-Known Member
Like Dutch said above, it's the Daily Mail. Think: "Fox News"

The post mortem could find no natural cause for her death with the balance of probability that it is more likely than not that she died from the effects of cannabis.’
Hehe..."I can't figure out what killed her, so it must have been the weed."
Apparently, any answer is better than "I dunno.." if you work for the NHS.
Its sad such a young life was lost, but if it truly was the cannabis toxicity then she is one in millions. Cannabis heals, and cures even. Our bodies were designed with canabinoid receptors to work in unison with cannabis. Im sure some where on this planet there are at least a few people that have an "allergy" to cannabis but being as our bodies are pre-designed to use this plant medicinally there can not be many!!! :)


Well-Known Member
There had to be an underlying condition she had that she may or may not been aware of. I Highly doubt that marijuana is the root cause of her exit from earth.


Well-Known Member
Funny how suddenly after thousands of years of harmless cannabis use, the media can get busy disseminating their propaganda. It should be clear THC could not have been the cause of death.
If "overdoses'' - (death) were possible, Snoop Dog and Willie Nelson would have been ancient zombies by now ;-)_~