Marijuana is much more potent today than in the past...


Well-Known Member
The weed I imbibe is certainly more potent than the stuff I smoked 20 years ago-- I can grow much better shiiite than I could ever afford back then.

More directly to your questions: sure the plants have more cannabinoids than before, but the cannabinoids today are no more potent than they were 200 years ago. Worrying about thc concentrations going up is like refusing to buy 500mg aspirin because it's double the potency of 250mg aspirin.


Well-Known Member
I've been told that back in the day they used to smoke a lot more of the plant.

Nowadays we smoke just the buds but they'd smoke stalks etc too, which means the overall percentage of THC was lower because there was more plant matter that had no THC on it in their bags.

Its a fact that MJ is much more potent than in the past... but its still harmless.
Still harmless?


Inhaling burning plant matter causes cancer, fact. (inhaling any type of smoke causes cancer, fact)

There are a lot of people out there who smoke cannabis regularly who have got a form of OCD. It's more than a coincidence.

There are people out there who are losing the plot psychologically because of regular cannabis use. It's more than a coincidence.

You go tell those people that cannabis is harmless and hasn't greatly increased their psychosis.

I know cannabis has it's good qualities but you guys seriously need to wise up and realize that cannabis has hiding dangers.



Well-Known Member
Still harmless?


Inhaling burning plant matter causes cancer, fact. (inhaling any type of smoke causes cancer, fact)

I'm all for moderation, but you assumed that pot needs to be smoked. I vape, and there is not a cancer risk that has been identified.

There is a potential connection between pot and psychosis, but that still makes it safer than the typical over the counter painkiller--- they lead to 7,600 deaths per year. Harmless is a relative word (humans could figure out a way to injure themselves with pretty much anything under the sun). Given that the safety of pot exceeds many of the products we use every day, it is mighty close to harmless.

I do know a few people who smoked lots of pot and who's life went down hill, but I'm not sure if the pot was a cause or the symptom of their problems.