marijuana grow

The Weedster

Active Member
Hey Dudes... Long time since Ive been here... Had to go on the down low for a while and staying there for a while... Im doing remodeling to my Home and Shop... Thought it would be bad to keep growing in an open situation like that.. LOL.. My Girlfriends Cats destroyed my last grow by pouncing on my plants and I said the hell with it and decided to wait a while till I get some other place to put them... Ive been a busy man trying to earn money around here and hope to soon be joining you all again in the great journey of weed growing... It is something I am still interested in and hope to continue with... Good luck to all of your grows and may the stoners live on without any interuptions from buzz killers... :hump:


Well-Known Member
No doubt... Keep those pussies at bay... My cats freakin' love to bask in the room, but I had to safeguard my closet and veg area a long time ago, because my lil weed-smokin' buddy likes to munch on the leaves that sometimes stick out from my screen JUST enough to chew on... I'll still find a lil' green puke-pile from time to time though... Oh well, I figure if a leaf or two is all he's gonna fuck up, then his presence in the grow with the CO2 he puts out, will more than make up for his small offenses... Lol... Get to building that new space, and out-grow big bro, man...

The Weedster

Active Member
No doubt... Keep those pussies at bay... My cats freakin' love to bask in the room, but I had to safeguard my closet and veg area a long time ago, because my lil weed-smokin' buddy likes to munch on the leaves that sometimes stick out from my screen JUST enough to chew on... I'll still find a lil' green puke-pile from time to time though... Oh well, I figure if a leaf or two is all he's gonna fuck up, then his presence in the grow with the CO2 he puts out, will more than make up for his small offenses... Lol... Get to building that new space, and out-grow big bro, man...
keep growing the good stuff dude... lol... cant get enough co2...