Marijuana and Martial arts?


Active Member
Yeah, they are really light on punishment for that kinda thing.. I don't mind it as potheads aren't as bad as roid heads, if you've met one you'll know what I mean.
never met a roid head to my knowledge, but if they're half as annoying as Brucie from GTA4 then i don't really care to lol


Well-Known Member
I started tae kwon do about a year before I started smoking weed. I never noticed a difference in my stamina but i started sweating A LOT. It like doubled after I started lol, my movements seemed to get more fluid and smooth though.


Well-Known Member
I'm not good enough to roll high, yet....

Tomorrow I don't train until 7pm, so I'm not smoking all day... until after that is...


Well-Known Member
We have a huge garage converted (and still being worked on) to a training center...
MMA, boxing, jiu jitsu, etc... All matted up, training equipment.. No charge! (yet, heh)
Some of these gyms are pretty expensive.. I can't afford to train with Cesar Gracie... :\


Well-Known Member
why hasn't strain been mentioned yet? I think it would make a big difference head high vs body high THC% ect.


Well-Known Member
why hasn't strain been mentioned yet? I think it would make a big difference head high vs body high THC% ect.

Hmm good point.. Ok lets say.. a strain which is best for somthing physical... The best bud for this situation...

Again the big pic.... BENEFIT TO SMOKE? or NOT when it comes to TRAINING...

Whether it is Pre/post/during work out...

So.. If its good :


After talking to many people that train and smoke, they say its a +, but i havnt met somone that has tried smoking a few weeks... then complete sober for a few weeks...


Well-Known Member
I used to train high all the time. It actually helped me to think about things more objectively, and enabled me to keep my cool in even the worst situations.