Mapp gas burns hotter than butane/propane


Active Member
hey guys i recently found out that Bernzomatic company has a tank called MAPP Gas, its an altered form of Propane and it burns at over 5000*F. Butane only burns at like 2500*F and propane about 3500*F. I just started smoking concentrates with an oil set up with a glass nail and i notice it only takes me 20-30 seconds to get my nail red hot. Ive watched youtube videos of people with the mini butane torch that have to sit there and torch it for at least a minute. I understand the convince of having a SMALL torch but i dont want to sit there for a minute heating up my nail every time i want to do a dab. The tank is nice and slim kinda tall but still stand straight up on the desk. Also i have a Bernzomatic self igniting torch on the tank so it makes life easier. Just spreading some knowledge.