Mandala Seeds Satori - Outdoor Guerilla Grow - Supercropping

Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
Hows everyone doing?
I grew last year, and I am this year. I planted them wayyyy too early this year (about a month) and there was frost, and even snow for 3 days and my babies are still alive outside. I'm a gardner as it is and every good gardner knows putting hay around any plant will insulate it pretty well. Also my friend was telling me about cutting holes in garbage bags and putting the plant through the hole. It's supposed to attract heat (because its black) and keep the soil from frosting. I'll try to get some pictures up for you all to see about the hay.
peace out:eyesmoke:

Wrong place man. Your gonna get so much more responses if you post in the Outdoor section of the Forum then in my grow journal.

Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
As long as you aren't frosting at night, it's all good. Weed won't grow under 50 degrees, but that's at night anyways so...

As for the mold... you can expect trouble. When she gets up a bit and if the mold doesn't seem like it's killing her quick....add some Fungicide to the soil. I use Agri-Fos which is really a super phosphate liquid. That should clear it up, and I talked to the sales rep and he said I could spray it right on my Tomato fruit and dahlia flowers without harm to them or myself. Good luck..

out. :blsmoke:

When is the soonest you think I could use that Agri-Fos??

Do you think the fungus is going to kill some seedlings before they even sprout out of the soil??


Well-Known Member
I just started gorilla growing so i got a couple plants but im germinating sum chron and dro but the plants im growing now i think are just bagseed here sum pics0409091517.jpg




New Member
I don't know about how soon since you have mentioned mold/fungus(?) on the seed. That's pretty darn early... :lol: I usually won't put ANYTHING on my seedlings for at least 10 days to 2 weeks, fert's insecticides, anything. Check out their web site.... They have a regular section and an organic section...Agri-fos is from the organic section.

Okay, been looking in the pamphlet and it has it being used as a drench, foliar spray and pre planting dip, so i think it is a matter of applying the correct rate.

Pray tell, how did you germ them? :lol:

out. :blsmoke:

Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
I don't know about how soon since you have mentioned mold/fungus(?) on the seed. That's pretty darn early... :lol: I usually won't put ANYTHING on my seedlings for at least 10 days to 2 weeks, fert's insecticides, anything. Check out their web site . They have a regular section and an organic section...Agri-fos is from the organic section.

Pray tell, how did you germ them? :lol:

out. :blsmoke:

Paper towel method. Didn't think your could make the paper towel too wet :(


Well-Known Member
Wrong thread man. This is my grow journal. Go start your own about your plants.
DAWG I WAZ JUST SHOWING U A GORRILLA GROW DOC but i wont worry bout that furry stuff on ur roots it happens all the when i germnate and turn out NICE

Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
DAWG I WAZ JUST SHOWING U A GORRILLA GROW DOC but i wont worry bout that furry stuff on ur roots it happens all the when i germnate and turn out NICE

It's cool man. The last random guy was looking for answers. But your setup looks pretty sweet. Thanks for the good news


Well-Known Member
Can't wait to see these babies sprout :blsmoke:

Just a heads up, I got a couple of different phenos of Satori from Mandala.

#1 Tall Sativa dominant, thick main stem, tight nodes and long pointy leaves
#2 Indica dominant same stem thickness, VERY tight nodes and fat "maple leaves".

I've noticed the short bushy indicas are soooo sweet smelling. :bigjoint:

Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
Can't wait to see these babies sprout :blsmoke:

Just a heads up, I got a couple of different phenos of Satori from Mandala.

#1 Tall Sativa dominant, thick main stem, tight nodes and long pointy leaves
#2 Indica dominant same stem thickness, VERY tight nodes and fat "maple leaves".

I've noticed the short bushy indicas are soooo sweet smelling. :bigjoint:

That makes me so happy to hear :) i wish i get at least one of both.

BTW what decides which pheno you get?? I know its random for each seed but are there strain that have no other phenos?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Can't wait to see these babies sprout :blsmoke:

Just a heads up, I got a couple of different phenos of Satori from Mandala.

#1 Tall Sativa dominant, thick main stem, tight nodes and long pointy leaves
#2 Indica dominant same stem thickness, VERY tight nodes and fat "maple leaves".

I've noticed the short bushy indicas are soooo sweet smelling. :bigjoint:
you right about the stems....they get thick!! also real stinky!! a good stinky..

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I personally like sativas....but if I want to just chill and just be lazy and blind, I like my indicas......but really, I LOVE THEM ALL!!! :)