Mandala Seeds Kalichakra Grow {comments welcome}

mr west

Well-Known Member
i found the best thing for making buds dense and hard is a new hps bulb. I use canna pk13/14 for my buds in the final 2 weeks or so before flushing. Works great, my bublelicious were that dense that an eighth looked like 2 grams in the bag lol


Well-Known Member
hps is a must if u want dense buds
but like u sed the nutes r improtant 2

i load mine up w/ carboload, bud blood, big bud
damn man it swells up like u wuldnt belive

tri it sumtime


Well-Known Member
I have a 1000w HPS. My next crop should be 12 trees under 2x1000w HPS. I'll be running two brand new 1000w hortilux bulbs and using Botanicare Sweet. And, I'll be starting out with healthy plants rather than nursing them back to health during the first couple of weeks of flowering. Hopefully, my buds will be a lot more solid next time around. They're filling out nicely though now. I started the flush on one of them today. The other two still look like they're running about a week behind. I'll probably start flushing them next weekend.


Well-Known Member
I finally got some new batteries for my camera. The looks of things have changed a lot since my last set of photos. I moved 6 new plants into the flowering room. The three that are almost done flowering should finish sometime week after next. I think that that one that I've been saying looks further along should be finished at the beginning of that week; I started flushing it last Sat. The other two should finish late in the week or early the next week; I started flushing them on Monday.

The tallest plant had about 60g wet of buds that were obviously never going to fill out. I went on and cut them hoping that the rest of the plant will finish a little stronger. I'm in process making gumby hash out of them. I'm in the first waiting step right now. When I wake up, I'll cut a piece of hose and go to Kroger and get a turkey baster to finish off the job here.

I've got three new clones, and I'm germinating 10 Subcool TGA Querkle seeds now.

The three plants in the back of the veg room are going to be mommies. I'm going to veg them out and keep trimming them for maximum rebranching until I can take atleast ten clones at a time off of each one. Two of them are #1, the plant furthest along, and one is #2, the tallest one. I'm going to fool around with both of them for a while, learn to grow them better, and see which one is more viable for some real production.

I'm hoping for a keeper mom from the Querkle as well, but that's even further off.



Well-Known Member
Well, I got through the four hour waiting period on the gumby hash, and then got it down to a quart mason jar. I waited on it for 2 hours, and I got the volume down to 16 oz, but I acidentially splashed back in the jar with the turkey baster, so things got stirred up. It's in a pint glass now, and I'm on another two hour wait. Here are a couple of pics.



Well-Known Member
The three that are almost finished are already flushing. I'm going to get on the Botanicare Triflex nutrients when I re-up on supplies after this harvest. I think that I'm just going to use those by their self next crop, and then I'll probably try sweet in addition on the crop after that.

mr west

Well-Known Member
cool im using molassis or how ever u spell it, jus weak in the flush on my 2 that r 7 weeks 5 days

for madmen only

Active Member
hiya mate have just spotted your thread and flicked through it, mainly coz of the seed firm mandala.
have used them b4 satori plant, very very impressed with their product, and by the looks of your pics you must also be pleased eh.
say whats the smoke like as im looking to change from the haze and satori ive been growing the past 9/12 months.
the yeild was good???? l0oked good. anyway enjoy the bounty mate


Well-Known Member
They're still flushing, so I haven't smoked them yet. They have a citrus lemon smell. I'll let you know.

mr west

Well-Known Member
everything ive seen from mandala is an insperation, thats why i bought 10 satoris ( got 5 free safari mix seeds as well) I must plant a safmx seed soon lol


Well-Known Member
make sure 1 get some pics of them before an after harvest!

also, if ur not going organic u might like Sensi 2-part or ANs 3-part
i think regular hydro nutes are better pH buffered
at least that how it seems 2 me


Well-Known Member
the botanicare triflex is supposed to be botanicare's organic answer to the general hydroponics three part hydro nutrients. It's a 3 part organic hydro nutrient system. My garden is not on a completely organic nutrient schedule at the moment, but it will be soon.
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Well-Known Member
One of my plants has a serious spider mite infestation. I'm thinking about harvesting early, but I'm thinking that it might not have flushed enough yet. A bud that I harvested day before yesterday had a metallic nutrient taste still. But, I can't really tell about the taste without a proper dry and cure. I think that it could really go another week, but I'm worried about the mites. I'll post pics of that plant shortly.


Well-Known Member
I took twenty clones today. I have three plants that I saved to be mothers. One of them is for sure the pheno that I'm going to call K1 from here on out. One of them is for sure what I'm going to call K2. I know that the third one is a Kalichakra female, but I'm not sure which plant it came off of. I'll be calling that one K. K1 corresponds to the plant pictured in the last post. K2 corresponds to the most sativa looking plant of my initial 3. The original K2 plant from seed has produced buds that while far dense than K1 are a lot more crystally. The short plant, #7 from when my plants were numbered through 10 has by far the best looking bud. The clone that I took off of it didn't live.

I planted 7 Querkle seedlings all with roots showing yesterday. Two of the seeds didn't germinate, and one of them had the same weird deformity with the root and the sprout not being joined that I've had occur once each from my last two seed germination sttempts. I'll try a different germination method next time. They're numbered Q1 through Q7 in the order they sproouted. I'll be posting their pictures here too. I'll probably start a separate grow journal for them once they're further along.

