Man free from Jail because they don't want to pay hospital bill.


Well-Known Member
This marks the first time I know of where a person is set free because of his hospital bill.
Iowa County frees jailed former 'yippie' rather than pay his medical expenses

Need a get-out-of-jail-free card?
Suffering a massive heart attack will apparently do the trick. At least that's the case in Iowa County, which basically set free a well-known figure from Madison's counterculture past so it could avoid paying his skyrocketing hospital bill.
Irvin Dana Beal was jailed in Iowa County early this year after the 1997 Chevrolet Astro van he was a passenger in was stopped in Barneveld on Jan. 6 with 180 pounds of marijuana in it. Authorities reported at the time that the stop resulted in a seizure of pot with a street value of more than $750,000, although Beal insists he was transporting the marijuana to be used for medical purposes in Michigan, New York and Washington, D.C.
The Dodgeville Chronicle notes that at his sentencing hearing on Sept. 20 in an Iowa County courtroom, there was an almost cult-like backing for Beal, with people from as far away as New Zealand, California and New York delivering passionate testimony on his behalf. They noted his history of helping others and his dedication to getting people off hard drugs.
Nonetheless, the 64-year-old was sentenced to a five-year prison term -- with half to be served behind bars and the remainder under extended supervision. One week later, as Beal was being taken out of the Iowa County jail to be sent to prison in Waupun, he suffered the heart attack and nearly died.
"I don't remember that morning at all. I have complete amnesia," says Beal, who currently is staying in Madison with friends of the late Ben Masel, a well-known local activist who died of lung cancer last spring. "I'm told I was semi-dead. They kept my body chilled at 85 degrees to slow the metabolic process down. They tell me things didn't look good."
According to information provided by the Iowa County District Attorney's Office, Beal's sentence was vacated due to these health issues, he was released on bond, and he will be resentenced when his health allows. Contacts with the Barneveld Police Department and Iowa County DA's office both confirmed Beal's take on the situation -- that he was let go because Iowa County officials didn't want to pay for escalating medical costs or for a deputy to be stationed outside his St. Mary's Hospital room 24 hours a day.
"About six days after my heart attack, I was put out on bail," says Beal. "I then had a double bypass and spent about another week in the hospital. But my release was not motivated by a belief in human freedom, but by the fact they didn't want to pay my hospital bills."
The Iowa County DA's office suggested Beal's extended hospital stay and follow-up treatment could have cost half a million dollars, or more. It's believed to be the first time Iowa County has allowed a prisoner to go free to save money on a hospital bill.
Beal, who is better known by his middle name, Dana, says he's feeling pretty good today but notes his doctors would like him to undergo more surgery to implant a pacemaker. He adds that he has yet to see a bill for his hospital stay, but believes that day is coming soon and has no idea how he'll pay it off.
"Jesus Christ, man, I can't sell pot anymore, so I have no idea how I'll cover the hospital bill," he says.
He swears his days of delivering medical marijuana are over, adding, "I need a desk job. I'm too old for this (crap)."


Well-Known Member
hmm.. that sets a very bad standard indeed.. do you think that he would have had the attack at all if it were not for the extreme stress of being in custody? so they caused the issue basically and then declined to clean it up.. it seems almost rare that you can trust a cop with keeping the public harm free..

if we can end prohibition then the police will have a real job to do instead of this idiotic 'easy arrest' style of going after %15 of the total population (86% if you count everyone who tries pot) - all other drugs in the US total to more like 0.6% of total population.. i want people arrested for rape and murder not for choosing a safe alternative to alcohol and tobacco..