Brazil protects drug dealers and arrests a man fighting for freedom and the home growing of cannabis


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"Vem, vamos embora, que esperar não é saber
quem sabe FAZ AGORA não espera acontecer"
Geraldo Vandré - Pra não dizer que não falei das FLORES

"Come, let's go forward, for waiting isn't to know
Those who know DO IT NOW instead of waiting for things to happen so"
Geraldo Vandré - Don't say I didn't mention the FLOWERS

Hello, we humbly come to your site asking for help both in spreading the news about brazil's government fighting to protect the drug dealer's market as the sole source for cannabis, while we struggle underground for our freedoms and the right to consume what we want without getting involved with criminal organizations, which, ironically, are under the protection of the state, with guaranteed and enforced monopoly over all the psychoactives market.

A man came forward to challenge that. His name is Sergio Delvair da Costa, an old man aged 52, who adopted the nickname THCProce (THC4u/THCForYou), and taking a daring and risky step forward, he went ahead and opened a youtube channel. He embraced the risk that showing his face and home would cause in order to provide a common-man image to the home-grower, while speaking out against drug dealing and maintaining that those who wanted cannabis should grow their own without causing harm to society by providing money to the violent drug dealing organizations. He both taught others how to grow their own on his youtube channel, and spoke about daily issues, such as how to approach your parents on smoking the good flower.

This man went further ahead and made an even bolder move, creating a cooperative to sell cannabis seeds for symbolic prices (he "sold" 3-5 seeds for 50 Reais, something like 15-20 dollars a pack of seeds, with no higher price for famous strains) and providing those who wanted to get a chance to taste buds without resorting to organized crime, in the privacy of their homes and harming no one.

He also fought for the population's right for medicines, providing CBD-rich oil for mothers whose children had seizures, which, in spite of being extracted from a dangerous and malevolous plant, provides far better medication to those issues, with few to none of the usual avalanche of side-effects. Brazil is one of the world's 10 greatest "medicine" markets, and while the government did assure the population that CBD medication would be provided (THC medication has been recently approved for distribution, too, but only from overseas. More on that later), be it for recreational or medical production, no one (not even the local pharmaceutical companies) is allowed to grow cannabis, making sure that all the medication has to be bought from overseas for ridiculous high prices, and that after getting an authorization from ANVISA, the local FDA.

While the governemnt stated it would provide CBD-based anti-seizure medication free for for those who needed it (the same has been said before, good luck getting through the red-tape), it made sure to provide Big Pharma with and exclusive market where only the rich would have the resources to acquire such medication due to its huge prices, a package with 2 doses costs $650 (with dollar exchange rate at R$3,6 for $1, that's close to 2000 Reais on our local currency). Poor parents can't afford to pay for that, I can't even estimate how much that would cost a month, probably twice as much as the local minimum wage. Sergio took a step forward and provided them with medicine. Big Pharma probably wasn't happy about that.

If you go to a hospital, be it public or private, you can expect to get something prescribed, even if that's painkiller for which you have no need of, and if you them you have no need, they insist, Big Pharma must make cash. The country's medicine market makes a lot of money, and the same issues that infest the FDA/Big Pharma relationshionship, such as the infamous "leave FDA/get big-paying job at Pharma" problem also happen in Brazil, though the newspapers rarely approach this subject. On the other hand of the issue, politicians themselves have been long known to head drug trafficking organizations, keeping drugs illegal in order to get huge profits and control the market and its profit.

Just so you know, an ex-deputy name Gustavo Perella, son of a senator, had one of his helicopters (fuel bought with public funds) apprehended while carrying meager 445kgs of cocaine. The pilot was fired immediately, and his boss, Gustavo himself, had his name cleared after investigation. It was claimed no one could prove who was moving the cocaine into the country, a while after the scandal hit to media and the dust settled. The current government, the one trying to depose the currently-elected president and have as many state-owned companies sold to private enterprises as possible, has nominated Gustavo Perella as the National Soccer and Supporter Right's Defense Secretary of the Ministry of Sport. While Gustavo managed to get a good government job, the fate of an aged man fighting for the population's wants and needs was soon to unfold.

On the morning of 16 june, Sergio's house was invaded by the police searching for drugs, according to them due to an "anonymous" denounce. In Brazil, in theory, you can't investigate someone without a denounce, and this "anonymous" denounce is often used by the police to investigate whomever they want. Whether this denounce has happened or not, there they were, and there they found about 100 plants, used both for personal consumption and a bunch used for seed production. No drug dealing was taking place, something which the cops themselves mentioned, finding it astounishing that the usual crowd found in drug sale spots wasn't there. The old man was cuffed, which, by law, should only happen in case the one being arrested offers resistance, which he didn't, and then they took him away, but not before having his rights and protections thrown in the garbage. After having him arrested, the police officers used his computer without any authorization whatsoever to post a three-minute video on THCProce's youtube channel with 50k subscribers, originally entitled THCPROCE and described as " You bunch of sons of bitches weed smokers / See, no upright citizens complain at all / It's just 28 and 33 (28 refers to an article on brazilian's drug law, where 28 refers to drug user laws, which are brand, and 33 is for dealers, which are far heavier than those on 28. They are basically saying they'll charge him with whatever they can) / Go smoke sh*it (before you ask, yes, they did write sh*t, or "merda" in portuguese), for that's what you deserve". They had no right to do that.

The video itself consisted of the police telling all of the cooperative's members that they now had their addresses, and that they were soon coming after them, they kept saying "The house has fallen", with means they were found out and soon to be busted. Its description was altered a while after, probably due to complains that they were going too far and worst, in public, considering anyone could view youtube. Don't ask me how they got THCProce's password, he probably remained logged on. In the end, the entire channel, with no judicial order or authorization to due so, was deleted. THCProce never agreed with this.

After spending a whole day caged, he was ordered to attend a hearing where a judge would decide if he could wait for his trial free or jailed. A horror show takes place afterwards, Sergio, a thin, 52 old man, was taken to the court cuffed and remained so, something that, by law, should only be done in case the one charged represents a risk for the court's safety. Ultimately, the very prosecutor himself was against keeping Sergio jailed, but the "fair and balanced" judge determined that, given the law states non-dangerous criminals should wait their trial free, this threatening and mighty 52 years old was too much of a threat to be allowed to walk free. He now waits for his trial in jail, as any "dangerous" criminal would.

For fighting for the population's freedom and right to consume whatever they want in their homes, as well as trying to supply a great number of families in need of medicine for their children, this man was considered a dangerous criminal, no one messes with the government's friends, the Big Pharma and the drug dealers. This is the story so far.

We humbly come to you to ask for help: PLEASE SPREAD THIS STORY!!! LET THE WORLD KNOW THIS MAN!!! Copy this text and post it wherever you can, be it social networks, marijuana forums, steam instant messenger, facebook, reddit, whatever, please, spread this as much as you can! Help us tell the world what's going on here, because we need YOUR help! PLEASE, HELP SERGIO! PLEASE, HELP US!!!

Sergio's family is running a donation campaign to in, link below. If you feel like donating, do so, but I only humbly ask you, please, just post this text anywhere and to anyone. Help us make the world know just what living in here is really like!

Also, if you feel like communicating directly with us, please come to and search for board "Segurança e Leis". Not everyone speaks english there, but me and those who do would be glad to act as translators.

All cannabis lovers in Brazil thank you with all our hearts. We deeply thank you.