Male-- Time in flowering to produce useful pollen??

Guido Sarduchi

Well-Known Member
So ive been doing this a year now and really enjoy it. Typically take clones off plants friends have given to me and never had much sexing concern however got some seeds recently grew them all nice and big and got one xtra seed as a freebie and in retrospect MY BAD- the thing wasnt marked as fem. like the rest. anyways i went 13 days into flowering (from the day i changed the light cycle) and noticed the flowering was different and not just as in different strain... She was a He.... the ole Shanghai Surprise!! Anyway i bagged it with a garbage bag removed it from the room.. although it didnt appear there was any kind of visible dust or open sacks... I looked and feel dirty having dones so, but it all still looked fairly undeveloped.... Did i for sure catch it soon enough or is there a chance ill have a room full o seeds??


Well-Known Member
id say youve caught in time...but the pollen prolly isnt useful per se as yet! would take a good month or longer to have any useful pollen to selectively breed with


Active Member
Sorry you wanna make some seeds great I do this all the time last year I paid $80 for 10 face off seeds only 5 sprouted and I was blessed to get one male and 4 babes then the seeds I make off that grow, I didn't have to pollenate but I still got a few seeds with no male and I blessed again cause their all females plants when you get seeds with no male :lol: yea you can take the seeds off a plant that was just harvested and plant them you just have to wait till after 8 or 9 weeks of flowering their good to go oh yeah you wanna make seeds I've left my male with the babes maybe 2 weeks into flowering then move it away from your babes and put in front of a window with 12 hours of light if you have to put in a dark closet by it self usually the ball don't break open till 4 weeks or more outdoors so the male go as long as you can in front of the window once you see you have a lot of balls you wanna harvest then balls and all and put them into a baggie breaking'em up the balls and letting them dry out then you wanna pollenate about 4th week the more pollen the more seeds put it straight on the bud of the plant fast and hard they like it that way wanna keep'em it happy~ :lol::lol::lol:

Guido Sarduchi

Well-Known Member
no no. Just wanted to make sure i caught them in time to stop them from pollinating, which it sounds like i did.. thanks everyone