male or hemaphrodite


Active Member
1 of my 8 plants is diferent... now they are 1 week into flowering and one seem to have seeds, but it's still forming kind of buds... should i cut it off...

the pics aren't soo good (my camera isnt' working well) but please some oppinions... all my plants are ams and the church feminised from greenhouseseeds...


Col. kif

Does it look anything like this?

Its a pic of a full on male clone just starting auto flowering. Crappy Swerve (Swirl) Cali Connection Tahoe


Well-Known Member
Don't burn it, kill it and bury it in the ground. Cannabis has lots of nutrients in it that can help the soil you bury it in to become more fertile


Well-Known Member
Dont use leaves or any cannabis for ferts NEVER any plant espeseilly cannabis wont tollrate there own fertalizer from exp dont do it lol it will for sure lead you to an epic jounrny you do not want lol
Don't burn it, kill it and bury it in the ground. Cannabis has lots of nutrients in it that can help the soil you bury it in to become more fertile


Well-Known Member
Dont use leaves or any cannabis for ferts NEVER any plant espeseilly cannabis wont tollrate there own fertalizer from exp dont do it lol it will for sure lead you to an epic jounrny you do not want lol
What are you talking about?

What I mean is using organic matter (like dead cannabis plants) as it does so many wonderful things for a garden, it’s just silly not to take advantage of it. There would be no organic gardening without organic matter. Decaying organic matter is how plants are fed in nature. Unfortunately we’ve become very tidy landscapers and we tend to remove any dead plant material that falls onto our lawns. It would be so much more beneficial to allow the fallen leaves to be buried over time, where they will not only feed the soil, they also prevent erosion and mulch the soil. Organic matter added to garden soil improves the soil structure and feeds the microorganisms and insects. The more beneficial microorganisms your soil can support, the less bad organisms will survive. The good guys feed on harmful microbes like nematodes and certain soil born diseases. They also release their nutrients into the soil when they die. So the more beneficial microorganisms that are in the soil, the more nutrients will be in the soil. And many types of organic matter add still more soil nutrients to the mix.
Organic matter also contains acids that can make plant roots more permeable, improving their uptake of water and nutrients, and can dissolve minerals within the soil, leaving them available for plant roots.

I did not mean you should use your dead cannabis plants as the sole fertilizer, I meant using them as additives to an organic garden because it can be very beneficial if applied properly.


Well-Known Member
well in some cases using decaying plants could be bad. but never if you are using say cannabis to cannabis or tomatoes with tomatoes. some plants dont go well with others some release chemicals and natural weed themselves. but in this case it fine to just pull it and let it lay the pollen will be dead in 36 hours in the sun and heat. i wouldnt put it near my plants tho. you might bring in bugs fungus ect.


Well-Known Member
well in some cases using decaying plants could be bad. but never if you are using say cannabis to cannabis or tomatoes with tomatoes. some plants dont go well with others some release chemicals and natural weed themselves. but in this case it fine to just pull it and let it lay the pollen will be dead in 36 hours in the sun and heat. i wouldnt put it near my plants tho. you might bring in bugs fungus ect.
The only reason I can see that using decaying plant matter could be bad is if its infested with bad bugs like spider mites or something like that. What I do when I find let say, a male out of some female cannabis plants and I don't want to keep it, I uproot it, lay it in the sun but indoors for 3 days away from pests, let it die fully, and then bury it in my garden :) works well for me


Active Member
i've also heard that is a good way to spread diseases in cannabis plants, one plant could be infected but not show it, now ur whole soil is contaminated


Well-Known Member
i've also heard that is a good way to spread diseases in cannabis plants, one plant could be infected but not show it, now ur whole soil is contaminated
That's what Captain Jack's Deadbug is for :) woops, forgot to mention that part! I spray my organic matter with Captain Jack's Deadbug before burial


Well-Known Member
my worry would be fungus gnats. and mold. i would save it tell after harvest to return it to the soil.


Active Member
at least this year showed that i can grow big and bushy plants... and havent wotered them 2 months now (outside is normally 30degrees celzius) by using so called agrogel thats helps keeping humidity for the roots...
next year 150 babyes and leave them thil october A.M.S. and white widow feminised from greenhouseseeds...


Well-Known Member
my worry would be fungus gnats. and mold. i would save it tell after harvest to return it to the soil.
Yes, this is a good method if you're planning on burring your organic matter in your cannabis garden soil but I was thinking about other gardens. For instance, I bury my organic matter in the front of my home's garden rather than in my medical greenhouse garden. In the front of my home's garden, I have a few citrus trees (Meyer Lemons), a couple of blackberry bushes, an apple tree, a lot of lavender, tomatoes, and squash (all organically grown). I would rather not take chances with my medicine. Sorry for the misunderstandings.


Well-Known Member
what are YOU talking about put your self in its postion its still a living organizim imagine if you were being fed your dead homie
as in the plants case same senerio i dont even smoke around any of my gardens for that same reason im smokin there own kind
they respond to that shit and i understand thats your method but its not fair to the plants would you rather have a bean corn patato and steak dinner or some good ol human meat c mon really
What are you talking about?

What I mean is using organic matter (like dead cannabis plants) as it does so many wonderful things for a garden, it’s just silly not to take advantage of it. There would be no organic gardening without organic matter. Decaying organic matter is how plants are fed in nature. Unfortunately we’ve become very tidy landscapers and we tend to remove any dead plant material that falls onto our lawns. It would be so much more beneficial to allow the fallen leaves to be buried over time, where they will not only feed the soil, they also prevent erosion and mulch the soil. Organic matter added to garden soil improves the soil structure and feeds the microorganisms and insects. The more beneficial microorganisms your soil can support, the less bad organisms will survive. The good guys feed on harmful microbes like nematodes and certain soil born diseases. They also release their nutrients into the soil when they die. So the more beneficial microorganisms that are in the soil, the more nutrients will be in the soil. And many types of organic matter add still more soil nutrients to the mix.
Organic matter also contains acids that can make plant roots more permeable, improving their uptake of water and nutrients, and can dissolve minerals within the soil, leaving them available for plant roots.

I did not mean you should use your dead cannabis plants as the sole fertilizer, I meant using them as additives to an organic garden because it can be very beneficial if applied properly.


Well-Known Member
what are YOU talking about put your self in its postion its still a living organizim imagine if you were being fed your dead homie
as in the plants case same senerio i dont even smoke around any of my gardens for that same reason im smokin there own kind
they respond to that shit and i understand thats your method but its not fair to the plants would you rather have a bean corn patato and steak dinner or some good ol human meat c mon really

Just remember that EVERYTHING you eat came from shit.

There's some truth regarding transferring diseases IF the plant to be composted is sick. Fusarium Wilt, for instance.

Compost your leaves, and discard the stems. They take several years to break down. I used to grind them up with a power chopper, but stopped when the chopper did.

It's better not to bury uncomposted organic matter. It slows the decomposition process down. Oxygen is critical to the process.