male or female?


Well-Known Member
you needed to do a lottt more research before starting your still have a lot to learn,but thats why we have this site.looking at the soil...i can tell it has no perlite...the more you water it the more its going to compact and less air your roots are going to it comes to soil..about any will work....and yes even in about 3-4 weeks old its going to start needing nutes...many different options here...look into what works best for you.that 1 cfl isnt going to cut that wattage i would have about 6 of them for each 1-2 you have good ventilation?the plant needs fresh air,and its need some airflow around the plant,that reproduces wind thats in nature and makes the root and stem system grow stronger.also need to keep the temps down..cfl's can run temps for indoor grows is around 75-80f...anything over 90f and your going to start stunting the plant...unless its one of the sativa strains that can handle high heat...and get a decent digi ph tester..keep your ph around 6.0-6.5 for soil...
so to sum it up for ya...add some perlite to the soil to get more air to the roots,start your veg nutes in 3-4 weeks after srpout,a few more cfl's,at least 3-4 more for 1 plant,get some fans for ventilation and airflow,and keep the temps down,get a good ph tester....that should get you started..but still alot of info you need to research...good luck bro
Im with you there dj.....he def. needed homework done before starting this project. Some things you learn as you go along but he's asking the basic of the basic questions. The finished product is only as good as the preparation. Tons of reading out there, with all kinds of different methods. Good Luck! and READ READ READ :)