Male or Female [pics] - help please! Follow-up, new pics!


Hi guys, thanks (to those of you) for all your help on my last post:

I now have a bit of a follow-up with some more pics. Opinion was divided before, some claiming 'male-male-kill-kill-kill', some saying wait.

Unfortunately the new pics seem to strongly suggest a male. What's surprising me is that the 'balls' all seem to have green shoots coming out of them. Is this the sign of a hermie? I'm still not sure what these look like.

I express some urgency with this and 'it' is currently living very close to a female that is flowering nicely, so I feel it's do or die time. Does anyone know how late is too late in terms of pollination? I've moved it to a different room until I can work things out for sure, but I heard somewhere that pollen travels for miles, or something, so feel this may not help.

Am looking to slaughter this latest dissapointment asap, unless any of you learned souls suggest otherwise.

Many thanks, in advance, for your help.

PS: I've been out of green for a week, pity me.



Well-Known Member
im not real experienced as a grower but that seems to be a hermie but id grow it out in a seperate room just for the seeds. you also might want to check out this stuff called Dutch Master Reverse it supposed to help with hermies hydrofarm carries it.


Well-Known Member
im not real experienced as a grower but that seems to be a hermie but id grow it out in a seperate room just for the seeds. you also might want to check out this stuff called Dutch Master Reverse it supposed to help with hermies hydrofarm carries it.
You dont want to grow a hermi out for the seeds. 95%+ of the seeds it produces will be hermi.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
thats a sure male. the pods are very easy to indentify once you've grown a few males before.

grean shoots means nada. white hairs means female. both pods clusters and white hairs means harmi.

male pre-flowers come in clusters, female pre-flowers comes as a single vase with 2 white hairs coming out of it.


Wow, fast responses guys! You're all stars, much appreciated.

In terms of my other points, does anyone have any info on the timescale at which pollination becomes a risk? Do the 'balls' have to 'hatch 'or split open or anything? I've been checking every day for the last week and this is the first time I've seen something definitive enough to post.

Hopefully not too late (regarding the nearby female)?


Well-Known Member
Wow, fast responses guys! You're all stars, much appreciated.

In terms of my other points, does anyone have any info on the timescale at which pollination becomes a risk? Do the 'balls' have to 'hatch 'or split open or anything? I've been checking every day for the last week and this is the first time I've seen something definitive enough to post.

Hopefully not too late (regarding the nearby female)?
Yes they split when they release their pollen. Get rid of it now. Time will tell if any burst. But I imagine not much harm has been done to your virgins.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
when the male flowers spilt open they release pollen, but they open in a few minutes, dont bother trying to watch for the first one to open - it will be too late.

Usually the male START to release pollen before the females that started with him get ready to recieve it.
I know a very good grower who grows its males until the first day they release pollen, takes pollen and on the same day kill the male.
Then we pollinates as needed.

If you're willing to take the risk - go a head. Remember that a single male flower should be plenty to pollinate at least 1squer meter of female flowers.
If you do decide to keep it, top it as much as possible to keep only ONE branch and take pollen from it, it should be plenty.

To take pollen you need clean, DRY instrument. I keep mine in a film plastic box.
Water or high humidity kill pollen so in your pollen box keep something to keep it down like silica gel.


Well-Known Member
theres balls in them there hills. hey the last thing ya wanna do is plant hermie seeds.....hermies are shitty genetics. why carry on a trait like that?
did you grow bag seeds by any chance?