Male ganja plant... smoke those nuts?


Well-Known Member
haha well i looked at the flower of a male ganja plant and it seemed to have little thc hairs etc on it.. its DEFINETLY male.. would it be worth trying to make canaoil out of this?


Well-Known Member
wait until you make hash with the trimmings and run it through then...more trouble than worth for oil.....


Well-Known Member
You'll need a whole big male to get enough hash to make it worth harvesting. If it's small forget it, just kill it.


Well-Known Member
ok cool its prob about 1.5m high.. wens best to harvest them?
Kill it now so it doesn't pollinate the females, then dry it and save it. When you harvest the females mix what you got from the male with the trimmings from the female and make canoil or hash out of that.


Active Member
hmmm what if i move it far away????? like 100m away.. in dense bush..?
this is why you should buy feminized seeds lol, youve put effort into this male so dont want to destroy it and get nothing out of it, are you guerilla growing? if you are then you cant control it, wild growing marijuanna pollen can travel hundreds of miles on windy days, theres even a 'marijuanna pollen count' on some weather forecasts in europe lol


Well-Known Member
this is why you should buy feminized seeds lol, youve put effort into this male so dont want to destroy it and get nothing out of it, are you guerilla growing? if you are then you cant control it, wild growing marijuanna pollen can travel hundreds of miles on windy days, theres even a 'marijuanna pollen count' on some weather forecasts in europe lol
lol ive never seen a pollen count before on the weather and im from europe


Well-Known Member
this is why you should buy feminized seeds lol, youve put effort into this male so dont want to destroy it and get nothing out of it, are you guerilla growing? if you are then you cant control it, wild growing marijuanna pollen can travel hundreds of miles on windy days, theres even a 'marijuanna pollen count' on some weather forecasts in europe lol
ganja pollen count, i don't think so. :D


Active Member
No. Not at all. Its not even worth the time it took me to click on the link that brought me here and type all this out to tell you its not worth any time. GL


Well-Known Member
The male won't produce any more THC than it already has. THC is a hormone the plant produces to keep seeds warm, and males produce no seed, they only pollinate the females. Kill it now.