Male bananas on week 7-8 - a threat?? help!!


Well-Known Member
Just as the title says, im in week 8 of bloom, and getting ready to flush..
However, some of the plants could use an extra week or so of ripening
before the final harvest, and i dont know if that would be dangerous or not..
I first noticed the yellow "bananas" about a week ago - there arent too
many of them though.. Most of them arent visible unless you look for them
closely, but it doesnt take much effort to find them.. Some of them are
totally yellow, while others are yellowish/greenish colored.

My question comes in 2 flavors..
1)... If one of these male flowers happened to release pollen, how long
does it take before it starts to "visibly" affect the buds? (visible seeds, etc.)
2)... Would it be in my best interest to start flushing right away and
cut them down before any damage is done? is waiting dangerous?

I could really use some feedback and advice! :sad:


Active Member
if you do have pollen sacks coming out of the buds chances are you've already been seeded. it takes a several weeks for seeds to mature so if you harvest now maybe the seeds will be young and small but you won't really know till either you harvest or till you calyxs pop open with seeds in them. im sure the deed has been done may aswell let them finish. JMO


Well-Known Member
Are you sure they're male parts and not calyxs swelling......? Pics would help.
Im positive -- they are male flowers -- no pictures needed...
Im not an expert on males cuz ive never grown one - but i know enough, and have seen enough herms to know its male.
Basically u gotta look to find em, but its like 3-4 tiny yellow bananas in a bunch.

if you do have pollen sacks coming out of the buds chances are you've already been seeded. it takes a several weeks for seeds to mature so if you harvest now maybe the seeds will be young and small but you won't really know till either you harvest or till you calyxs pop open with seeds in them. im sure the deed has been done may aswell let them finish. JMO
Hmm.. well, they arent so much "sacks" as bananas lol.. I mean, when i squished one of the yellow things in my fingers a tiny
amount of what i thought to be powder got on my fingers... Arent the yellow things what contains the pollen?
Also, i havent seen any seed pods, except on the lower part of one of the plants, but they arent matured yet.
Just really small round green things that swish with juice inside when i squeeze them... But only on the bottom of the 1 plant.
But other than the yellow things, and other than seeds, what else should i look for? like what are the early warning signs of male parts?


Well-Known Member
sounds to me like you got enough time to get through the flush and pull em. Pics would help though.
Again, there really isnt much to show... It takes a sec to find them, and they're just little yellow things.. They look kinda like this:

Not my picture -- i found it on google... But the yellow things look very similar to what im talking about..
Hopefully they dont cause too many problems.. ive just been carefully plucking them off..


Well-Known Member
i do not see what u are talking about in that pic... u could have an intersexual plant.... which is a female plant that has a few male flowers


Well-Known Member
they've already been present for a week? possibley even longer? that pic doesnt show any bananas really but from your description im sure you have a hermie. hopefully it wont be too bad, while you wont find any mature seeds for a little while that doesnt mean you wont get a bunch of immature ones forming/growing. Ive seem it happen before sadly. if you dont see alot of seeds forming i guess you could wait for a flush first.