Making opium tea


Active Member
Sorry for the double post but I just saw this.

Careful making Laudenum ! U can end up getting a very poisonous version of Codeine depending on method of production. 6MAM is no fun if u accidentally make some, could just fuk u up or kill u.
Best way is push some up ur rectum, but other ways is......... Get small saucer and add say 5 drops of water from end of ur a small bit of ur Opium bar and rub it in circles in water on saucer till its all dissolved and water is brown....You could drop weed or tobacco in there rub it in then smoke in pipe/joint......but when lighting try use end of a cigarette as any flame will DESTROY opium....I did it like that for a bit
but then i'd do the mix then swallow the liquid, it always seemed too much hassle to smoke and when ingested u get the best buzz on earth and the best dreams....But comes witha price, if you like it, it will bite u back almost same as Heroin
.....sweetest dreams..............
6MAM = 6-monoacetylmorphine is a heroin metabolite and is typically considered more potent than heroin, though no commercial or illicit preparations come to mind. However, it is commonly a constituant, one of many, in brown and black tar "heroin." Also it is theorized to be responsible for heroins more euphoric effect (versus morphine for example). So bear that in mind, but who knows, maybe that's what you're looking for... but mg for mg it isn't any more lethal than heroin or whatever your dealer told you was heroin.