making cannabutter with leftover trim from dry ice hash


Well-Known Member
a week or so ago i used a pound of trim/popcorn to make 1.5 oz of dry ice hash. all the ground up trim leftover i decided to try to make edibles with. i just put 5.25 oz of the leftover trim in with 3 sticks of butter in my crockpot, and i'm going to leave it on low mixing every half hour for 8 hours then strain. one problem, as soon as i started adding in the trim the water turned a really dark brown instead of the usual dark green i'm used to. is this normal? i figured it was probably because i put so much trim in there.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think its because there is so quick green/brown matter in the mix. I done the same thing but now I've started doing a quick alcohol rinse. Since there is so little THC left on the material I just wasn't happy with the butter this way. I don't get much but its good quality and I can cook or smoke it what ever I want.