Making Canna Butter


Well-Known Member
This is more like notes for myself so the next time I go to make butter I can just come back here and take a look at my notes. but I suppose others could use this as a guide as well. I didn't come up with this method. I read and watched videos and saw how other people are making their butter. This is what has worked best for me so far. I'd rather make my own post and be able to come back and read my own notes rather than go searching every time I want to make butter and want to double check my steps. I covered a few things other guides do not. I'm a bit more graphic I guess, or I just feel like sharing my personal and a friends experiences and my two cents worth on canna butter edibles.

When I make canna butter I buy stick butter that has fat in it. You need to use butter with fat because the THC sticks to the fat. Non fat butter means there's nothing for the THC to stick to and I don't think it will work.
I put the sticks of butter in a mason jar, sometimes I will melt the butter using a microwave.
I then put the jar with the lid off standing up in a pan with boiling water in it to finish melting any more sticks of butter.
I'm pretty sure this is called the double boiler method. Boiling water can only get so hot before it turns to steam so that boiling water provides a barrier from the heat source as to not burn or over heat the butter.
This method is supposed to keep the butter from getting too hot, which is important because you don't want the THC in the butter getting too hot and evaporating, a bit redundant I think I basically just said the same thing a few ways, but it is important.
(Also a good side note, When cooking with canna butter, Don't cook the edibles at too high of a heat. Again this could cause the THC to evaporate).
Always remember to top off the water in the pan that the jar stands in as needed.
Once the butter has all liquified it is time to add the plant material into the jar.
You will want to gently stir the butter and plant material. You do not want to use something too hard or sharp to stir the butter. Such as a sharp butcher knife can pierce through and crack the mason jar, be gentle. What you want to use to stir the butter is something such as a large plastic or wooden spoon. I also add a small amount of alcohol when I have it. Just a small amount a splash will do, not even a table spoon. Pretty sure the alcohol is supposed to help dissolve the resin into the butter. If you want you could even put the plant materiel in the freezer for a while before getting started. I have seen this suggested in hash making guides. Freezing the plant material is supposed to make the resin glands brittle and break off when making hash. I don't see how freezing the plant material for making butter could hurt so I do this. I mean if it helps the resin break off making hash then I don't mind resin breaking off in my butter. You will want to let the plant material and butter go at least one hour, some people say the longer you let it go the better. 1 - 3 hours seems plenty long enough to me. Just top off that boiling water in the pan and stir the butter occasionally. As long as you have a big enough jar and don't pack the jar with too much plant material then the process is pretty easy going once you have everything started. Now I say it is easy as long as you don't pack too much plant material in the jar. This isn't too much of an issue for me because I always use one ounce of plant material to one pound of stick butter. When I have run into issues that make siring more difficult this was when I have done a batch of butter and decided to make two pounds of butter. The butter alone had plenty of room in the jar but once two ounces of plant material are in the jar it gets harder to fit a spoon in there and stir it. So if you want to make a couple pounds or more, just make sure your jar is plenty big enough. Once the butter has been heated long enough it is time to separate the butter from the plant material. This is really easy. What I use is panty hose which can be purchased for very cheap, under $1 at wally world. The good thing about panty hose is that they can come as a pair, like socks, a left and a right, so you can make two batches and keep the spare panty hose in the egg shell thing they come in. I like these cheap panty hose that come with a left and right because each one has an elastic band at the top. To strain the butter I just take one of the panty hose and put the elastic band over the top of the jar. Get a container ready, and then pour the jar and dump everything in the jar through the panty hose and let it sit in your container. I usually pop the panty hose off the jar once everything is in the panty hose, then tie the end. From here I've done a few different things. I don't mind just holding the panty hose and waiting for the butter to dribble out into the container. I get plenty of butter this way and its plenty potent for me. I have in the past also squeezed what is left. But for me I didn't feel that I really got all that much more out of it, and some people say that squeezing will cause chlorophyll to get in the butter, and the butter will be more of a greener coloring. Personally I kind of like the green coloring and never paid attention to any difference of taste/smell. One thing to be aware of is that if you squeeze make double sure of it that the plant material and butter has defiantly cooled down enough to handle it. I one time and one time only thought the material was cool enough to squeeze it. It was pretty hot still inside. I ended up getting burned by oil, dropped the wad of panty hose and plant material into the vat/container below which splashed canna butter everywhere on the kitchen counter. A drawer was open at the time and a bunch of hot butter splashed into the knives and forks and stuff. haha, I almost forgot, the oil you are handling and may decide to squeeze can get you medicated just touching it. It is concentrated be careful what you get it on. You might want to wear gloves when squeezing. When I splashed mine I got it in a shoe and I honestly believe that shoe was getting me high every time I wore it. There are other ways to go about squeezing I've used a couple cookie sheets and pressed the wad between them, or push the bottom of the mason jar into the wad while its on a plate or something. It really never seemed worth it to squeeze the wad. It seems like often once there isn't much oil left what you do squeeze out can get sponged back into the wad anyway. Another way to try and extract the most out of the wad is to rinse your pan then add water, cut open the panty hose wad and place everything into that water in the pan and boil it at a low heat, for some hours. Pour everything through a strainer into another container. Then put that water/oil mix into the fridge and what will happen is that as the oil solidifies it will float to the top of the water and if enough butter was even left in the wad then a layer of butter will be formed on the top of the water. You would then poke a hole or two in the floating butter, and pour the water out of the container. You could then take the butter and dry it with a paper towel and then add it to your other butter. But instead of doing any of that I just prefer to let the wad of plant material and oil simply drip for a while into one container and then toss the wad. Simply put that container of strained oil into the fridge and let it solidify, nothing more needs to be done. You can now use the canna butter as you would for any other recipe. Keep in mind that not all cookies for example are made with the same amount of butter per batch. A batch of one cookie might take one stick of butter, the mix for another cookie might require 2 sticks of butter for the same amount of cookies. This is one way to control dose or potency. It seems to me on average to take about two hours to take effect once eaten. Sometimes I might feel like I'm not even medicated till I eat or drink something else a while after eating a medicated baked good, and suddenly a rush type of sensation realizing I actually am medicated. But the effect from edibles could be a thread in itself. If you plan to medicate your animals make sure you are providing them with edibles that they can digest. A friend once made some Betty Crocker pre mixed bag of oatmeal cookies that you just add butter and whatever other wet ingredients but all the dry mix is already in the bag. Here is a link to this type of mix.
Really easy to make cookies this way, so bachelors don't hesitate to try it. But yeah a friend used that Oatmeal mix and the cookies he made were for his dog. The dog keeped getting farts and it took a while to figure out it was the cookies, just the oatmeal ones. I'm not sure if oatmeal is bad for dogs or not but that was the side effect of oatmeal cookies for that particular dog. No one wants their dog expelling weed farts, or having other dietary issues so make sure what ever you bake is safe.
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Well-Known Member
;D I found a easy way to squeeze the butter. While its still in the panty hose put the whole thing in a red solo cup, then press another cup inside of that one, and the butter will drizzle out. When I did this I got a bunch more pressed out then I thought was even still there and even more could have come out. I still prefer to just hang mine over a pan and then discard it after it drips.


Well-Known Member
I like taking the crock pot outside and setting it in a snowbank to cool and solidify the butter between rinses.


New Member
Hi...I have just joined....I have just 1 gram of nice bud..I am looking for a recipe to make a few cookies or butter..Can anyone help.
I would rather smoke it , but have recently found out i have emphysema...Thanks :-)


Well-Known Member
@jkaye with one gram, I would decarb it first: grind it up like you would for a joint. Place in small oven safe dish and cover tightly with foil. Place in cold oven at 220f for 20 mins (30 if fresh bud). Let cool completely.

1. You can make a pot of tea with it as it is after the decarb. Just add some whole milk or heavy cream to help activate the weed.

2. You can add it to an oz of peanut butter ( I use 1 gram to 1 oz peanut butter when I make pb) Heat the two together in the microwave in 30 second intervals, stirring after each 30 seconds, for 2 minutes. Make a sandwich :)

3. You can pour an airline bottle (you know the little tiny ones) of liquor over it and make a tincture.

Good luck :) have fun