making a small batch of brownies - w/pics


Hi everyone! bongsmilie

Well this morning I've wake up with the hunger for the herb :mrgreen: and wanted to share with ya my latest recipe! :peace:

Ingredients : about 6 grams of prime buds , 30g ghee butter , 10g normal butter , 250ml of water, 120g cookie mix , 1 egg , 2 table spoons of milk, 1 tea spoon of ghee

1. grind the 6g of weed and put in the pan, add the 40g of butter and 250ml of water

2. put it to boil in the minimum temperature possible for about 30 min or so (until most of the water evaporates)

3. put the weed butter mix in the baker, add 1 tea spoon of ghee butter, add the 120g of cookie mix, add the egg , and add 2 table spoons of milk, bake it at maximum speed for 5minutes

4. drop the mix in a cookie sheet , cook it in a oven for about 45min or so, at 120 - 150ºC

Enjoy! Jah Blessings and Regards! :eyesmoke: