makes no friggen sense


Active Member
Saw on the news that willie nelson pleaded no contest to the pound of pot he was caught with in Texas ... got a 500 dollar fine ..... thats friggen awsome - I was glad to hear this .. was afraid they was gonna send him to jail tbh ... then last night I watched a documentary called aka tommie chong ... he got 9 months in a federal pen for sending bongs to pennsilvania ... in a sting no less ... like illegal entrapement shit ... but wtf .... same government ...... why so hard on one and not the other ... in court they kept bringing up how many youths and generations will be effected toward pro-drug lifestyles from his movies ( wich had nothing to do with the case ).... kinda fucked up ....


Well-Known Member
guess the judges love willie nelson songs and hate cheech and chong movies.