Major damage......

Was doing a little cleaning in my tent and knocked down my circulation fan.

Fell right onto my OG Kush girl thats a week into flower and snapped off one of the main side branches.

This thing was literally hanging on by a couple of fibres it was snapped right through.

I quickly tried to place it back on its broken stalk coming off the main stem and wrapped it up in tin foil to act as a splint.

Its been 24 hours and im amazed that the affected side branch looks like nothing has happened to it .....

What are any times you have messed up a plant bad and its amazingly healed itself?


Well-Known Member
Too many to count, and it really is amazing the damage that can be healed by just taping the branch together or doing something like you did. The plant has a strong will to live for sure. And once it has healed it will be strong like Russian woman.
Im honestly real impressed. I had a feeling it would maybe heal itself but the leaves on the broken branch havent even drooped or anything, it literallly looks like nothing has happend.

God i love this plant.