mailman knows

I am in Alaska. The mailman let himself into the garage to drop off a package. ( I hear this is what they are supposed to do but I don't know) I have two plants about ready to start sleeping and I have 4 little babies. I am almost positive he saw them. Can they get a warrant based on a mailmans word? Should I be worried? Should I throw away what I have? I have never sold and I would never dream of selling. I use the stuff all by myself for medical reasons but I don't have the MM card. Any advice or info would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Some pics of the setup would be nice. Why were you growing in a garage with no lock?? How could tha mailman just let himself in?? lot of variables you need to explain. ultimately I don't think they would get a warent just from the mailmans stories. You have a pretty good chance he didn't know what the were, didnt see them, or just doesnt give a shit. I would secure your setup a hell of alot better, keep your doors locked, and start growing some other plants like basil or cilantro in/by the garage to help blur your tracks. If your really nervous put them in the attic, or shut down for a month and wait it out until the police would no longer care to investigate. Wouldnt hurt to have a friendly chat with the mailman next time you see him also. I wish you the best of luck.
I had the garage unlocked because it's my "fun room" and I spend most of my time in it. I was in the house taking a shower (if you ever want someone to knock on your door just take a shower). Of course I feel a little outraged that this guy went into my garage, or at least far enough to put the box a few feet inside so the door could close. I have heard from two different people that this is the "accepted" norm due to bad weather up here. I don't want to raise a stink about it in case he is just being cool, since SO many people up here grow for personal use. I am gonna go get a small belated Christmas gift for him. Any ideas? :D


Well-Known Member
make it a new year's present, say some good quality scotch(or whatever is the safest choice)
even if he doesn't drink, he may appreciate the thought

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
I am in Alaska. The mailman let himself into the garage to drop off a package. ( I hear this is what they are supposed to do but I don't know) I have two plants about ready to start sleeping and I have 4 little babies. I am almost positive he saw them. Can they get a warrant based on a mailmans word? Should I be worried? Should I throw away what I have? I have never sold and I would never dream of selling. I use the stuff all by myself for medical reasons but I don't have the MM card. Any advice or info would be greatly appreciated.
You should get rid of everything.

Better to be safe than sorry, and regrets are useless when you're getting beat up and arse-raped at the same time by an ever increasing line of horny lifers.


Global Moderator
Staff member
You should get rid of everything.

Better to be safe than sorry, and regrets are useless when you're getting beat up and arse-raped at the same time by an ever increasing line of horny lifers.
You should quick giving bogus advice - read the link, as long as he/she isn't within 500' of a school zone he's legal.
It dosn't take a lawyer to figure that one out.


Active Member
Yeah, I had an ex boyfriend that lived in Alaska for a while and he said it's safe to grow small amounts up there. I would still give the mailman a gift though and get to be buddy-buddy with him so he doesn't try to tip someone off who will then come and try to steal your stuff.
Thanks for all of the replies y'all:) I don't feel as worried as before. I am gonna get him a bottle of scotch and play it a lot safer from now on, although it really was a freak occurrence. I have heard the "legal" amount stuff but I read in the paper a few weeks ago that someone in the valley got busted for having 20 plants, so I am still weary:D But everybody here either grows or knows somebody that does, so I am crossing my fingers that it blows over. Thanks again.


i think you said you were in alaska correct?

well its a good thing your going the nice way about it

but another way of looking at it is its your home

he illegally entered your home ( i dont know where this "he is supposed too" bullshit is coming from but yeah, trespassing


Active Member
Dude your good in the hood...if it legal to have up to 24 wthout a card then first off I need to move there but secondly that mailman has probably seen some shit..I dont think hes trippin off of your little science project...No disrespect but in comparison to 24....


Well-Known Member
how hard is it to live in alaska? what do you do for a living? how do you like it there? I'm tired of where i live and I've always wanted to live up there, the legal mj adds to that thought even more.


Its not hard at all depending on where and what kind of place you prefer to live. I just moved to anchorage a few months ago and I love it!!!!!!!!!!!! However its much different than i thought it would be. There are the same jobs here that anywhere else has, and there are many ways to make a great living.


Global Moderator
Staff member
how hard is it to live in alaska? what do you do for a living? how do you like it there? I'm tired of where i live and I've always wanted to live up there, the legal mj adds to that thought even more.
Alaska is much like any other place in the "world" colder than some spots & suprisingly mild (in places) to what your perception may be. Its raining here now - has been off & on for the last couple weeks. The interior is where the weather hits the extremes, 80 degrees in the summer and neg 50 & 60 every winter sometimes for weeks. Freaking cold & I don't care who you are!
Jobs are here to be had - the economy has not been hit up here as hard as the lower 48, but still it is being felt. Anchorage is where many start out & it ain't bad, but it is a "big" city with all the associated woe's, but the good news is you can actually see Alaska from there.
If you're really interested, pitch some resume's about & see who bites.
Good luck.


Active Member
Think about how many houses that mailman walks up to every day of his life. Think about how many strange people you know. Now add those thoughts together and think how much weird shit that mailman has seen in his life. I seriously doubt he could give a shit, and i bet he could tell you were 20 other grows he don't give a shit about are.

Chill and go about your business.


Well-Known Member
Being someone who has exhausted many hours studying state precedents, I have to jump in, although this thread appears dead.

You are completely protected by the AL state constitution & the AL Supreme Court.

Ravin v. Alaska
me brotha. Wikiepdia it.

A brave man (kind of a Rosa Parks of his day for our cause), who was an attorney that decided to put the constitution (AL state) to the test. And boy did he. Granted, I believe the Alaskans have much different (way better than my state) values than a lot of the rest of the country. Not to mention, several republico governors (I believe one tried back in 2005), have tried to re-criminalize. And subsequently, easch one died an nice quiet death in the state legislature. (I also believe, if memory serves, 1 gov. back in the 90's may have even repealed the Ravin decision & recrimin'd himself. Only to have the house strike his mandate down within a year or 2.

Alaskans are deadly effin serious about their privacy. Which was Ravin's main argument. He focused on the fact that an adult, under the AL state constitution is able to do WHATEVER the fuck they choose to do in the privacy of their on home.

Yes, you are able to grow 25 plants in the privacy of your own home, and that is just plain fact. ANYONE that tries to tell you otherwise is just plain incorrect. Obvously, I suppose federal law would trump that. However, I have NEVER seen an instance of federal prosuction in AL for cannabis unless it was an import from BC distribution situation.

The feds know that you all are serious about your privacy. And the fact that you had a small few ladies going, I wouldn't sweat it for a minute. Not to mention that I am quite sure that anything the mailman saw would be inadmissable in court. And no judge will issue a search warrant on hearsay from a frickin postman. You are straight dude.

Just sure wish I could come to understand why the effers the rest of the state legislatures get on the same page. I mean Ravin v. Alaska was handed down back in 1975. So yeah, officially, you all have been straight for 34 years.

I often thought about being my states Irwin Ravin. However, I'm in the south dude, it'd be a long time before things change here. But I should be back to west coast within a year (if some frickin jobs open up). On that note, GO NEW JERSEY, one more down, 36 to go!!

My assessment, is that if I were you, I would get about 20 more ladies goin. You have the right my friend. You are the only state in the union that does. Enjoy it!!!


Global Moderator
Staff member
You are completely protected by the AL state constitution & the AL Supreme Court.

Ravin v. Alaska me brotha. Wikiepdia it.

Yes, you are able to grow 25 plants in the privacy of your own home, and that is just plain fact. ANYONE that tries to tell you otherwise is just plain incorrect.
Two things, one small and one huge.

Alaska = AK not AL

We are NOT allowed 25 plants - we are allowed 24 or less, details count here.

More than 4 oz, or 25 or more plants felony5 years
