Maiden grow 3rd wk veg/pics HELP


Do I need to cut off these fan leaves or leave em alone, I got to find a way to get more light under the canopy to get some max bud or will it get better in flower stage. Check out my garden and give some feedback.Light is a 400w MH .I bought 6 of these puppies for $100 at a swap meet,DEAL. uses 4 amps each though. Kept in the shed with a window unit at 72 degrees,seems to be happy.:peace:



Well-Known Member
plants look really healthy and happy, well done bud, you should trim the bottoms for better air flow for now, as for pruning for light penetration, your better served to wait till mid to late flowering, but when i mean pruning i mean like ONE leaf "here and there" dont go crazy , remember less is more


Well-Known Member
Never trim off any leaves for any reason other than dead. Every leaf you trim off makes the plant stop (somewhere) and heal that one spot. Also what you are doing is taking away solar panels for the buds. Leafs have stomata's (mouths) on the underside, they take in the co2, and on the top side they take in all the sun/lights for the buds. You start taking off leaves, then you start growing backwards.


Well-Known Member
If your going to consider taking off healthy leaves for any...reason, do yourself a favor and just do one plant. That way you can compare and see how terrible it is for yourself.


Thanks all. I am really excited about aeroponics, It is pretty easy to maintain, I am going to be soooooo stoked when I light my first bowl of my first harvest from my first ever grow. The way I see it, my dealer is about to lose his job.