Made some weak-ass edibles. Need Advice.


Well-Known Member

I made some fudge with Cannabis infused coconut oil.
I followed this recipe and used trim. I can eat two medium sized squares of fudge with little or no effect.

Should I double of the amount of trim to make it stronger?



Well-Known Member
High Randy :) The first reason I can see for you not getting any effect from your fudge would be the decarb. It isn't something for the 'more advanced.' It is a necessary step if you want to 'feel' your edibles. There are many different times and temps, however, for decarbing, that will give you different effects...I would consider that for the more advanced ;) I stick with 220f for about 20 mins (30 if using fresh material). To decarb:

**Grind material (1 oz bud = 4 oz trim approx) Then lay it in an oven and freezer safe dish. Cover tightly with foil and put in cold oven set to 220f and timer for 20 mins. When done, let come to room temp.**

Then make your recipe again...I am sure you will note the difference in effect.

also, I would measure your material in grams not by the cup. It will be easier to know your dosage per candy. My standard butter/oil recipe is 150 grams popcorn trim to 8 sticks/2 cups butter/oil.

Hope this helps :)