Lucky Find... i think


Active Member
Okay so i was walking down the train tracks by my house when i stummbled across three plants and one male. I killed the male but i think it wuz a lil late for that but i think it only got one plant pollenated...i hope. I just wanna knoe if there any good cuz they dont look loke ditch weed but who knoes. The pix are below. Let me know what yall think what i shout do and if there worth keeping an eye on? thanx:peace:



Well-Known Member
do the plants look like they belong to someone..if so then stay the fuck away fromem...i dont know where people get off stealin peoples fuckin plants...thiefs peace


Well-Known Member
wow that first pic looks like a very nice healthy female. wow... nice find... if you think its someones then leave it.. if not... it looks close to done :)


Active Member
Honestly i dont think there anyones cuz there just there like in plain view. There growing where poeple throw there old btanches and shit.


Well-Known Member
well.... buy a little 10x magnifer from radio shack and check the tricombs. :) that first picture look great


Active Member
Ya i have go do that. Thers a radio schack rite down the street from me. How close to harvest do u think they are, the first one?


Well-Known Member
well go back tomorrow and take close ups.. all i can tell you is that looks like wayyyyy to nice a buds for them to just be random... i mean seriously look at the first one again!


Well-Known Member
lots of seed....that can be grown later. and as youve already heard, it is frowned upon to take another persons plants. How ever, you could pilfer some seeds and leave the plants.

Personnaly, I would leave them alone...better safe than sorry in a situation like this, the cops could be watching to see who comes to harvest and god knows what else, the kind of luck I have, Id get caught red handed by the person who planted them and then I would get my ass beat.

you cant get fucked if you dont bend over!


Active Member
like on reno 911. They get there and hes like someone stole all my damn pot plants man.
LMAO thats too funny! I dunno what ima do with em cuz eaither way i think there gunna get stolen cuz there is to many punk ass wannabe thug kids that walk the train tracks and smoke and if one of them sees it the its gone. Shit for all i knoe they could be gone today.